May dispatches (1 Viewer)

I must say I am excited to see what's ahead, Can't wait :)

I can wait with what I have coming from April's releases and a few older sets TG has broken the bank. Can only hope the next batch are not much chop, what are the chances. Cheers, Robin.
What would you like to see and what do you expect ( apart from the 36mm gun) from TG for may ?
I think some more paras maybe and another WWII vehicle or tank ( German)
all your ideas and thoughts are welcome

Greetings from a new TG enthusiast. I have recently started adding Thomas Gunn soldiers to my collection. They go great with my KC soldiers and branch out in many key areas that have not been followed by others. I thought I was going to have to stop concentrating on a few theater's but TG's prices have allowed me to keep them going.

Many thanks,

Greetings from a new TG enthusiast. I have recently started adding Thomas Gunn soldiers to my collection. They go great with my KC soldiers and branch out in many key areas that have not been followed by others. I thought I was going to have to stop concentrating on a few theater's but TG's prices have allowed me to keep them going.

Many thanks,


Welcome to the forum, Ludwig! Love the avatar and the user name!
Welcome to the forum, Ludwig! Love the avatar and the user name!

Many thanks! I like yours as well, being that the Napoleonic Wars are among my top few areas of study and collecting both toy soldiers and militaria. I have an extensive Napoleonic soldier collection from various makers over many years past and present. I am also a WWI enthusiast. I had my eye on TG figures since the German WWII paras' but it was the move into Napoleonic and WWI that got me. The quality and detail with a great price are most appreciated. Other makers have apparently had to break the 40 and even 50 dollar a figure barrier which makes it most difficult to continue purchasing them. TG is hitting about the mid 30's and that is great.

Anyway, great to be here and I will post often!


"A true man hates no one"..................................................................................................................................Napoleon Bonaparte
Always good see new collectors to chew the fat with, also ensures TG keep producing their excellent figures. Cheers, Robin.

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