Maybe only 1 more Market Garden Arnhem Dispatch (1 Viewer)


1st Lieutenant
Sep 23, 2006
Well lads there could possibly only be 1 more Market Garden Dispatch relating to the battle of Arnhem. There could be more and hopefully will be but with the idea that the next may be the last what do people hope to see?

I know its a bit late in the game but I'd like to see a damaged Dutch house. Frost is a must have, and maybe Browning? A stretcher team with one carrier in undershirt with sleeves rolled up. Dead and wounded paras. Baskeyfield in loading position. Kneeling medic tending to leg wound of a sitting para. Would like to see a jeep with red cross on bonnet and stretcher in back with medic driving and wounded passenger. A figure of Kate der Horst, 'The Angel of Arnhem' A figure if RAF flight lieutenant David Lord a flight officer who recieved the Victoria Cross posthumously.

Once Andy has decided that Arnhem has had enough releases (for now) he could look at the other areas of Market Garden, such as the American airborne units and glider infantry.

A jeep with General Maxwell Taylor, driver, sgt and radioman would be a nice start? Paras in M43 uniforms, in the traditional poses, the figures created for the dday range could be painted in this way easily.

Horrocks and other XXX corps sets could alao be created!

Frost is a must!!! its more than strange not to have a figure representing him

Horrocks with Browning would be next on the list.

Have to say for me, market Garden is the brit airborne and branching out to other units involved elsewhere other than Arnhem would not interest me. Anything that is put out for the brits will have me looking and seeing if its worth adding to the collection.
Some good ideas there Scott, the Dutch house, Frost, medic jeep and knocked out Para would be in my sights. Not keen to go down the road in regard to xxx corp, have enough D-Day vehicles to cover that aspect. Hopefully Andy has ideas for OMG to keep this fantastic series alive. Robin.
I wasn't aware that there is one more "drop" to go for OMG. Clearly there is more subject matter that could be done. K&C have never expanded the series beyond the Arnhem action so I doubt we'll see that happen going forward. D-Day Brits, Americans and Germans will have to suffice for those other actions I presume. I wonder how well this series is selling given the fact that the collector market was narrowed down even more due the expensive "P" series direction? ^&confuse

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