Not me, I think they compliment each other nicely. Excellent scene. Robin.
I agree, I believe you can use most any manufacturer's products if you choose carefully about position and placement, thanks for the kind words Robin.
Hi, I am all in favour of mixing different manufacturers and this dio shows that...the catch being the angle of the picture...K&C are usually " stubby " better fed....FL they tend to be slimmer....have been short on K sometimes the angle is a telltale...other than that they are great...
Congrats on the Dio, liked a lot the Jeep.
I heartily agree. There was a dio done once and posted on the forum of Thomas Gunn Normandy FJ's having breakfast inside the courtyard of a farm... and a squad of King and Country US paratroopers about to ambush them. It was one of the best representations (In my opinion) of mixing two manufacturers together.