Meeting new colletors. (1 Viewer)

Hey Cobber,

Stone the flamin' crows mate, what a cliched view of the land down under. Nearly knocked me kero lamp over when I read your post 'bout Bruce and Sheila. Scared me sheep half to death (I bring them indoors when it rains). I've kicked me ugg boots off, put on me wellies and am off to the backyard to use the dunny - no indoor plumbin' for us!


Merely an innocent enquiry, old bean - glad to hear that Sheila's bonzer! Also glad to hear that you're looking after your sheep, have donned your wellies and righted the lamp. Sad to hear though, that bathhrooms are apparently so rare "down under". Surprised me somewhat, as the couple of diggers I know, seem remarkably well turned out, considering - though also glad to hear that you can "tough it out" with the best of 'em now in the dunny area. Reminde me of my childhood visits "Out Back" in Wales - did that!^&grin

Reminded me too of an old friend in Brittany who bought a rare pair of "special" Brittany Sheep - and was presnted with a third one by them after a year or so. Next time he applied for a passport, he described himself as a Shepherd. When quizzed about this by the Issuing Authority, he replied that when he had one, it was a pet. When he had two, it was a pair of pets - but when they became three, it was a flock - and as their guardian - that made him a Shepherd!:D

Keep on shepherding then Jack - Bach,( or is it Bruce now? - confusing!) All the best - johnnybach:D

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