Peter - Did not know you were a man of the cloth! Good for you. I am Catholic and am one of the volunteers who lead a bible study for a small group of 8th grade boys, at the catholic school my kids attend. You may know that the Catholic Church as a 3 year cycle for Gospel Readings. We are in Luke's Gospel and I am having a lot of fun sharing with these guys about what Jesus is saying in his parables. Maybe we should start a Bible Study Thread. I enjoy bible study as much as toy soldiers, and we are always to share the "Good News of Christ." Truthfully, Toy Soldier Collecting is a material obsession that I should do without, but I find it so very enjoyable, its not hurting anyone, and it keeps me out of trouble.
Boyer, Toy Soldiers might be an obsession, but you are allowed to have some fun in your life. Some people spend their money on Drugs and Alcohol, your spending it on Toys, that make you happy. I myself read the Bible every night, I live my life to, Do onto others, as you would want them to do onto you. I love my Lord with all my heart mind and body, and being. I don't belong to any congregations, I am just a Christian, who would help anyone in need to the best of my ability. Enjoy this Hobby, it will keep you out of trouble, and do it guilt free. Mike