MERRY CHRISTMAS to Andy,Gordon,Treefrog, and ALL the Dealers and Members on Forum! (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Apr 28, 2005
:) 'MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL' AND TO ALL A Happy and Exciting New Year for the Future Toy Sets to be made! CIAO! 'Bono Natalie', 'Arrive Verduci'!
A very Merry Christmas to all at K&C,K&C UK,Treefrog and all here on the forum and a happy new year.Peace,love and Toy Soldiers;)

Merry Christmas and just give a quick prayer to all the men and women in our armed forces not able to be with their loved ones this year.

I'd love to see Christ come back to crush the spirit of hate and make men put down their guns.
from a white Netherlands, I wish everyone a merry Christmas
And a nice 2010 collectionyear

richard .

Here's to a great year of collecting and looking forward to next year as well.
I want to thank all of those here on the forum and at King and Country for giving me a great hobby with wonderful friends and to wish them a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!;) God bless you all!!:D
I too would like to wish all the toy soldier folks a Merry Christmas and a joyful and prosperous 2010!

Jan Olson
10:24pm Christmas eve in Perth - both Children in bed now. We're wrapping the presents from Santa in different paper so the 5 year old doesn't work it out - she's smarter than us already. Best wishes everyone. It's been a tough year or so for most (us included), but there's light at the end of the tunnel, and it's not just Rudolph's nose.


Todd and everybody,

A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. Let's give thanks for our blessings and families.

Hi all .

I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a joyful new year.

Very best wishes form Mark & Clare.
Hello everyone,

Just wanted to drop in quickly and say hello. Although still an inveterate lurker, I have to apologise for being extremely quiet on the forum of late - the reason being that my collecting has slowed down over the last few months to the fully stationary stage!

As I’m in my final year in college, I haven’t been working, and so the resources that I can devote to the hobby have simply fallen to nothing. To my shock, I realised recently that I hadn’t purchased any thing full stop since a very enjoyable day at the London show in June:eek:.

However, I’ve still been regularly checking the site, and it’s great to be able to keep up to speed as usual with everything that happens. I’m looking forward hugely to getting back into the collecting side of the hobby properly as soon as circumstances permit in 2010.

For the moment, though, I’d just like to wish everybody a very, very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year from where I am on a chilly Christmas Eve in Dublin. Have a wonderful holiday, guys and girls, and I promise it won’t be quite so long before I’m in touch again:).

All the very best,

To a great bunch of guys, this forum gives me much pleasure.
I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas from the land of tumbleweed snowmen and Salsa substitutes for gravy at the Christmas dinner table.
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas.....and the Lord's Blessing for the New Year......John 3:16
MERRY CHRISTMAS to Andy,Gordon,Treefrog, and ALL the Dealers and Members on Forum

Seasons greetings to all fellow collectors.
All the best for the year 2010 :)

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