Metal Casting (1 Viewer)

Sorry- I still have not tried the SN50 as I'm melting through my extra figures (7 of them to make one 54mm figure lol)
Pewter is quite a metal for casting. It is expensive 12.00 a pound. Catches detial pretty well and less mis-molds. I am waiting for a new mold.
I'm using pewter as well and love that you get near perfect detail :) Course one of the deals I have with a client is that for each figure I sculpt I get 50 unpainted castings- since each set is 10-20 figures I get 500-1000 pewter figures every 3-4 months. 7 figures makes one of my 54mm figures but I'm happy with the trade off. I offer the castings on my site but would rather see the retailers get the sales and as they are more useful to me as pewter most are melted for my drop casting :D

What mold is next for you?
So the molds finally got here:rolleyes: I broke them out right away and fired up the melter. Lil Army molds are a black silicon rubber and a little smaller than the Prince August. I experienced some problems right off the bat. Had to learn where to put the clamps. That done the figures came out pretty good. Really nice detail. Looking forward to painting them. These molds heat up quickly and they must cool before reusing. You also must let them set longer than PA molds before pulling apart.Now I need more metal:D
I've not been able to find the PA rubber myself- but I've found rubbers of similar hardness. The rubbers I use are pretty flexy- so I do have to watch not to clamp too tight or the castings come out thin lol.

Have you been getting your molds off ebay or is there a store you found who stocks them? I was able to get an old PA prussian officer mould off ebay for $7- it doesnt cast the detail as well as I'd like but for now I'm using it for my officers till I get my own cast up:

The wise and all seeing karnac sees something!:cool: I see....

Its fuzzy no, no, its getting clearer now! I see KVs kitchen and yes there it is clearly I see exploding coffee/alloy cups in our future....:D LOL

KV you are so worth the price of admission I cant wait to see what you do next!

All the best

Be careful Dave , I see a HAL computer in your future Daave. What are you doing Daaave?
Dave, can't you
Hi KV,

I'm glad to see we wasted our youths on the same movies...

Any luck with our friends in Kentucky?

All the best

You bet. Tra la la la boom de yeah did you get yours today I got mine yesterday that's why I walk this way:D :D :D :D
You bet. Tra la la la boom de yeah did you get yours today I got mine yesterday that's why I walk this way:D :D :D :D

Hi Vamp,

From your posting, may I assume you made a meaningful purchase today? I hope so, at any rate!

Warmest personal regards,

Anyone I know? In Kentucky, I mean..........Michael

Hi Michael,

Actually, I do believe you know of these people in Kentucky. They are a really nice bunch of people. Some friend in Pennslyvania introduced us to them! :D

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)
Sure was and you may assume:D Thanks to both of you. You would not believe the pressure some people were using to get me to make that purchase:D
Sure was and you may assume:D Thanks to both of you. You would not believe the pressure some people were using to get me to make that purchase:D

Hi Vamp,

Someone was pressuring you to make a purchase? :rolleyes:

Well, congratulations! I know you must be happy to have the pressure relieved!

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)
Hi Vamp,

Someone was pressuring you to make a purchase? :rolleyes:

Well, congratulations! I know you must be happy to have the pressure relieved!

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)

Yes, the pressure was immense. The credit card literally trembled as I read the numbers over the phone:D
Yes, the pressure was immense. The credit card literally trembled as I read the numbers over the phone:D

Hi Vamp,

Was the credit card trembling because of the pressure or was it trembling with excitement? :D I'm betting I know which! ;)

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)
Hi Vamp,

Was the credit card trembling because of the pressure or was it trembling with excitement? :D I'm betting I know which! ;)

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)

Did you bet on both?:D Must keep up appearances , you know . Eh ,what?
There's a good fellow! Stiff upper lip and all that.:D
Hi KV,

Button up your tunic you slovenly soldier!

You will be very very pleased when the elephant arrives.

All the best


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