Militaria that enhances our collections (1 Viewer)

Hi Revwarbuf,

Mainly National League eh, well Brad is correct I am a Yankees fan from birth. However I have a soft spot for dem' Os. My wife is a O's fan so you can imagine I get a lot of grief from her and my kids who think mom rocks and Dad is chopped Liver. As for who I have for autographs, I have Mickey Mantle, Harmon Killebrew, Bob Feller, Boog Powell, Eddie Murray, Cal Ripken Jr and Lou Pinnella and a few others. I am also a card collector and have narrowed the field to Cal Ripken and the Yankees. I have a really big pile of other cards that I have been sorting and ebaying in order to finance this hobby.

I am really looking forward to Openning Day, how about you?

The wings you have Gideon are a wonderful relic I am sure that have a great place in your collection. Have you found any neat photo albums lately?

All the best



You going to Opening Day for the O's ?

I am a Nationals Fan .... I know, I know another tough year for us coming up :rolleyes:

Hi Ron,

No I will be watching opening day either on the computer mlb site or I'll just watch whoever is playing Seattle. I doubt I'll be back on the east coast again this year but its difficult to say for sure.

Do you guys still have Nick Johnson on 1st Base? I was really po'ed when the Yankees let him go he was a pretty good 1st Baseman as far as I was concerned and didnt have the issues Giambi had.

All the best


I know we're suppose to keep things here related to the hobby so I'll make this one last post about baseball in response to your autographs. You have some greats there in your collection!! Bob Feller is one of my all time favorites as are Cal and Eddie. I am not one for autographs, but I do have a few of my own including Feller (a ww2 hero--just trying to keep it hobby related ;) ). My all time favorite is Paul Molitor and I have his autograph as well. The only other signed sports item I have is a football card signed by Don Shula (I am the biggest Dolphins fan). By the way, even though I am a Mets fan, I have nothing against the Yankees and often find myself rooting for them since the O's have been nothing but "O's" the past 8 years or so.

Anyway, I love the sport and I was a baseball history buff before I became a revwarbuff and found this hobby. It will be great following the season this year and I look forward to following it with you and other members here who are fans. Maybe we can exchange some PM's throughout the year as the season progresses.

Hi Ron,

No I will be watching opening day either on the computer mlb site or I'll just watch whoever is playing Seattle. I doubt I'll be back on the east coast again this year but its difficult to say for sure.

Do you guys still have Nick Johnson on 1st Base? I was really po'ed when the Yankees let him go he was a pretty good 1st Baseman as far as I was concerned and didnt have the issues Giambi had.

All the best



Yes - As far as I know?

He was injurd at the end of the season in a game with the New York Mets in NYC - which I was actually was a bad leg injury - I will check it out?

I have my Opening Day Tickets and can't wait - Baseball is a second love of mine - after Toy Soldiers of course. :D

I might go to the O's opening day since it is later in April and not on actual Opening Day like the Nats.

Hi Guys,

To try and get this discussion back on track9 not that I dont want to talk baseball:rolleyes: ) I thought I should post another photo from my den. Here is another print and small shelf I have right as you enter the room. Been having some dilema over what should be on this shelf and I have some additional shelves to put up so I can dig out a couple of my other sets. Anyway,enjoy the picture.

All the best



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I know we're suppose to keep things here related to the hobby so I'll make this one last post about baseball in response to your autographs. You have some greats there in your collection!! Bob Feller is one of my all time favorites as are Cal and Eddie. I am not one for autographs, but I do have a few of my own including Feller (a ww2 hero--just trying to keep it hobby related ;) ). My all time favorite is Paul Molitor and I have his autograph as well. The only other signed sports item I have is a football card signed by Don Shula (I am the biggest Dolphins fan). By the way, even though I am a Mets fan, I have nothing against the Yankees and often find myself rooting for them since the O's have been nothing but "O's" the past 8 years or so.

Anyway, I love the sport and I was a baseball history buff before I became a revwarbuff and found this hobby. It will be great following the season this year and I look forward to following it with you and other members here who are fans. Maybe we can exchange some PM's throughout the year as the season progresses.


Interesting point about Bob Feller. I knew his was a WW2 veteran. I do not know what theatre of operation. You see I have a large sports memorablia collection of mine and had the chance to meet Bob Feller this weekend here in the Tampa Bay area. He was, believe it or not , playing in the MLB Alumni Game, actually pitched an inning. He looked pretty good for being almost 89! I also attended a dinner Saturday night and spoke to him for quite awhile. He signed a baseball for me and added " USS Alabama GUN CAPTAIN BB-60". It was really neat to talk to this fearsome competitor and genuine hero. He added this inscription to my baseball after I told him I was a huge World War 2 nut. It was pretty neat. He is real modest about his WW2 career. He is a true legend. Just my two cents worth on Bob Feller.
Hi Guys,

As many of you know I am quick to get lost in a side bar on any thread so I think its fun to hear about some of these great baseball players who also served in WWII. Bob Feller was a Yankee Slayer and I have heard and read of his ability to destroy teams when he was an Indian. So I enjoy having his autograph especially since he gave it to my mother in law and she in turn gave it to me.

But before we wander to far into the Playing field I thought I should post another photo of the den or as my wife calls it the Manly man room. It is still in the process of being transformed again so bear with me on the mess.

All the best



  • den2.jpg
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Interesting point about Bob Feller. I knew his was a WW2 veteran. I do not know what theatre of operation. You see I have a large sports memorablia collection of mine and had the chance to meet Bob Feller this weekend here in the Tampa Bay area. He was, believe it or not , playing in the MLB Alumni Game, actually pitched an inning. He looked pretty good for being almost 89! I also attended a dinner Saturday night and spoke to him for quite awhile. He signed a baseball for me and added " USS Alabama GUN CAPTAIN BB-60". It was really neat to talk to this fearsome competitor and genuine hero. He added this inscription to my baseball after I told him I was a huge World War 2 nut. It was pretty neat. He is real modest about his WW2 career. He is a true legend. Just my two cents worth on Bob Feller.

Hi Showman,
I am quite envious of you!!! Meeting Bob Feller--WOW!! I bet you'll remember that forever. I believed he served in the pacific theater and was decorated with 5 battle campaign ribbons?? I heard that he personifies the attitude of the "greatest generation" in that he knew that baseball was only a sport and defending the country was real life. It's just what one did and it was given no further thought. Quite the contrary to our generation. I agree--he is a true legend. I wish I had the opportunity to be there with you when you met him.
But before we wander to far into the Playing field I thought I should post another photo of the den or as my wife calls it the Manly man room. It is still in the process of being transformed again so bear with me on the mess.

All the best


Very nice Dave! Thanks for sharing those pictures. Keep them coming.
Hi Revwarbuf,

You are welcome and I will try and keep it interesting. Did you have any luck with ron? I hope he had something you could use that will fill a hole in the collection.

All the best

I have alot of Airborne prints and pictures on the walls, along with all my military stuff that I have earned throughout the years. I have a full size paratrooper display along with other awards. The wife calls it the "military room" and allows me to display all my K&C soldiers. She is great!!!!:)
I couldn't agree more, Halo. Militaria definitely enhances toy soldier displays. The best I've seen is Jim Hillestad's collection, but from what I hear about Tim Tyler's collection of authentic Civil War memorabelia, I imagine his displays must be beyond belief.
I was buying a set of toy soldiers last week from a shop that also sells military items when I noticed that the guy standing next to me was purchasing a hand grenade! It cost something like $100. Oddly enough, it was labelled as a German WWII grenade but looked exactly like an American pineapple type grenade. I bet his wife was delighted.
I was buying a set of toy soldiers last week from a shop that also sells military items when I noticed that the guy standing next to me was purchasing a hand grenade! It cost something like $100. Oddly enough, it was labelled as a German WWII grenade but looked exactly like an American pineapple type grenade. I bet his wife was delighted.

That's funny-

when I start getting myself organized, I am going to try and do a mural type wall. Along the wall, I will put various pieces of family military history sprinkled in with prints and the like.

Starting with WW1, I have a great picture of my Great Grandfather behind a .30 cal, I also have a very old book from 1924 titled "The Great War" and it gives a pretty good picture accounting of the war.

After that the mural will blend in towards WW2- I have several pics of my grandfather and will display his ribbons, cut to Korea and more grandfather stuff, cut to Nam and more grandfather stuff- medals and his blouse, cut to Modern and put my Dad's stuff.

I have books auto'd by members of Easy Co 1/506 and Colonel Hackworth and General Franks. I will figure out a way to show them as well.

It should look pretty cool, it's just going to take time. For my Ancients/ Romans/ Samurai/ Medieval and Revolution, I am going to just display prints above them but away from the 20th Cent stuff.

Funny thing about my grandfather- his WW2 medals are quite worn and his Viet Nam medals have never been removed from their boxes. He told my uncle once "I was patching up butchered bodies in the ETO (he was a medic), treating guys for hypothermia and frostbite in Korea and vaccinating prostitutes in Viet Nam so that they didn't kill our guys with STD's"

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