Hi Kurt, It was great meeting you at the show! I'm still buzzing over how much fun I had!
I'm already thinking about next year and trying to find a way to get to Chicago in Sept.
Anyways, thinking about your ideas for mini wow items, I came up with an idea based on the new Diorama Andy talked about that Gordon is making currently on special assignment. Figarti could produce the village from The closing battle in Private Ryan, but they would only introduce 1 to 2 pieces of the village annually. Each set would be made to either stand alone or to have the option to interconnect to the adjacent sets to be releasd in the future. I think these would be great mini-wow items and would be fanstastic sellers if done the Figarti way. I mean whi wouldn't want a replica of that village?? The only drawbacks would be the same old ones....space and money. Well, the money issue would be at least somewhat solved by releasing the sets individually once or twice a year, depending upon how elaborate a given individual set was. Another mini-wow idea I had was of a hasty field funeral for ambushed comrades. It would include a small team of GI's deep behind enemy lines, some standing, some kneeling, but all with their the heads down in reflection, except for the one who is speaking of the fallen in tribute, who is looking skyward. This group of GI's would be deep behind enemy lines, and the graves would be shallow and somewhat hastily made because of it. The graves would be marked by the rifles of the deceased sunk into the ground at the top of their grave mounds w/ their helmets hung from their rifile butts. A fitting statement that even in instances of ultimate peril, there is alway time to stop and reflect on the ultimate sacrifice given by those fighting the good fight.