Minutemen Toy Soldiers room and show displays and show thoughts (2 Viewers)

Thanks for the pics of your room George. It always blows me away how much stuff you set up. Glad to hear you and others did well at the show. I love to hear good news like that. I'd like some "Legs and Eggs" with my toy soldiers please. :tongue:


Thanks Joe, hope to see you at OTSN one of these years. I go all out for this show, have a ton of time on Tuesday to set it all up the way I want it to look.
Wow what a layout!^&cool Superb pics George and glad you had a great show mate. Really got to get to Chicago one of these days.

All the best

Thanks Rob; and I've got to get to London as well, we both need to work on these trips.........
Good to see you finally found the time to put up your pics. People might think you have actually been busy
recently and had no time !!!!.

Always good to see your room pics. Just the Naps would be time consuming enough to display. Think of the
Michael Keaton movie Multiplicity and imagine what cloning would do for your business (and Andy's !!) ?

As for booth babes I look forward to Chicago trying to compete with the Texas Show show girls. 2nd option might
be to invite Peter Jackson or Phil Collins to see if they would "assist" next year. Phil could sing and Peter could
knock up a short animated movie clip using TS's. Naturally they would expect a few free figures but I am sure
it would work for you.

Good to hear you had a good show.


Thanks Brett, I like the cloning idea, then the room could be open 24 hours a day, think of the possibilities.........
George, I see how very different you set up your tables between the shows in Valley Forge and Chicago. I think it works well. The "diorama" set up is definitely impressive. And time consuming .....

I also noticed that because you do not strictly separate manufacturers and as presently manufacturers often cover the same subject, your table offers the most direct in comparisons. As an example, I would like to reference Napoleon on horse where two models with apparently totally different styles stand next to each other. I think that is a great way to educate the potential buyer on the difference between manufacturers.

Thanks Andreas, I appreciate your insight. I have cut back at the east coast shows with my displays due to time issues with the set ups, but I am going to go back to it now that I've got an assistant to help me.

As far as not mixing the manufacturers; I try to keep them separate within a specific diorama, but as several collectors at the show pointed out, they liked to see them side by side as it helped them make buying decisions, one customer who spent close to 800.00 did so due to the way the figures were set up, so who's to argue with that line of thought?....:salute::
A most impressive table layout you have set up George, a lot of hard work for you but very rewarding for the rest of us looking at your photos! :smile2:

Thanks for posting them. :salute::


Thanks Jeff, imagine what I could do with the proper space with 54mm figures vs my 20mm dioramas.........{eek3}
Very Impressive looking displays ! Awesome :salute::

Thanks very much, we need to get you to OTSN so you can compare it to the San Antonio show apples to apples, or should it be soldiers to soldiers.......^&grin
Nice displays George and great that you made some good sales at the show. I'll get to a Chicago show sometime in the future and hopefully you will have those booth girls you mentioned as a permanent attraction!!! {sm3}


Thanks Tom...............I'm thinking of hiring my own Miss Tiffany as booth bait, would that get you to make the trip??

Thanks for sharing all the pics. Its always nice to see non-marketing pics of all these collectibles. It's also nice to know that from a retailers point of view the industry is still doing well. ^&cool
Thanks Tom...............I'm thinking of hiring my own Miss Tiffany as booth bait, would that get you to make the trip??

Hey now! Schwing!!!!!!

Or maybe carry figures like this in your catalog:

George, you always have a good show, and I congratulate you on how you run your business, and for your support of the hobby. I look forward to seeing you in a month at Hackensack.

Booth girls...gives me an idea, but I'm not going to mention it, don't want it stolen by other show promoters.

George, you always have a good show, and I congratulate you on how you run your business, and for your support of the hobby. I look forward to seeing you in a month at Hackensack.

Thanks Brad, I appreciate your comments.

Attitude is everything, stay positive at the shows, present your product in a way that appeals to the customers, carry the brands and items they want and you're in business.

And I can be positive and have nice displays, but the bottom line is without the customers coming to the shows and/or ordering on line, I am done, so without them, I've got nothing.

Plus don't forget, I've been in the hobby since I was a kid, just so happens I was able to turn something I love into a business, talk about the best of both worlds.........
Thanks Tom...............I'm thinking of hiring my own Miss Tiffany as booth bait, would that get you to make the trip??

What is the dress code at the show George??? Hopefully i'll get my act together and pop over with the young fella (Howard) next year.

What is the dress code at the show George??? Hopefully i'll get my act together and pop over with the young fella (Howard) next year.


No dress code, all that is required is a positive attitude, negativity is not permitted........
Woooooo, If I had Miss Tiffany I would never leave to go to Chicago :wink2: :salute::

Which is why it takes me 18 hours to drive out and 4 to drive back, breaking the sound barrier in the process........{sm4}
Which is why it takes me 18 hours to drive out and 4 to drive back, breaking the sound barrier in the process........{sm4}

I don't blame you George.......Pedal to the metal to get to the Casa ^&grin Very Nice :salute:: :salute::

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