Modern Greek Toy Soldiers (1 Viewer)


Jul 17, 2009
I collect toy soldiers covering Modern Greece in the 19th and 20th centuries. That includes Evzones and others. Any one else doing the same?
Welcome to the forum, I do not collect the range that you collect, but I am sure someone else on the fourm does.

Do you collect matte or glossy or both.

I believe Beau Geste makes glossy Greek Evzone figures.

Please post some of your figures.
Welcome To Treefrog

I used to have the 1950s W. Britain Evzone set shown below but sold it last year. It was one of a number of Britains sets I had as a boy in the 1950s/60s.



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Now here's an interesting thread....but I would say that!

Modern Greek figures are probably thin on the ground. I've got small collections of Irregular Miniatures Balkan War figures and Athena Plastics in the larger scales. On the 28mm front I've managed Wargames Foundry Crimean War Greeks (in Russian service) and Tiger Miniatures Balkan Wars. The latter have cavalry, staff, artillary as well as infantry and interstingly Cretan Gendamerie. However, these are really wargame quality figures.

Beau Geste has already been mentioned and I thought I saw a glossy collection or two at the London show back in March (Tommy Atkins??). Otherwise that the lot as far as I'm aware apart from Britains vintage of course.

As regards Athena figures I used to have hundreds when I as a kid now reduced to just a handful of chipped red coated Evzones, I'd be interested to hear if they are still going.

Finally, this could be a useful website:

Keep in touch!
Manes Marzano has a few Greek figures that are quite interesting:

Greek War of Independance:


Napoleonic Greek Soldiers in French Service:


Napoleonic Greek Soldiers in British Service:


There will also be some Greeks in the Honour Bound Shores of Tripoli line..


Those are the three figures in the whole Tripoli series...right now these sets will be available first:


Sorry for the extensive delay. I teach and am just resurfacing for my Christmas Break. Athena/AOHNA is for the most part out of production. I checked with someone in Greece who confirmed it.
Have you purchased any Evzones lately?
The Evzones look great. The problem for me is that I only collect Greeks. Do you know if the two Honour Bound sets pictured above are ever broken up? I would only want the Greeks.
Both Beau Geste and Dorset Toy Soldiers do Evzone sets. In particular, Dorset do a range of Greeks spanning from around 1880's up to World War 2. I've got a collection wearing the blue 1908 style tunic, with some 1912 Line Infantry in parade dress on order.

I'd highly recommened speaking to the proprieter Mr Giles Brown, who'll personalise sets for you. Although the sets aren't featured on the website, they do haver a colour sheet featuting:

Khaki wearing Evzones in WW1, WW2 as well as Infantry from both periods. Evzones in parade dress including a band and modern day paratroopers, Air Force and Navy figures marching, all in all a great series for the collector.

Here's the link, I'd suggest calling Giles for a chat he's a really personable fella.............


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Where to find Athena toy soldiers

Go to ebay and type in AOHNA. Eventually you will see what is available. The company stopped production.
Greek Mercenaries in 1805 Barbary Coast war semi flat

Wish to trade/sell/exchange a nice set of semi-flat 45 mm +++ painted Greek Mercenaries in 1805 Barbary Coast war.

Many of the readers already well know that in 1805 a small army made of US Marines with 40 Greek mercenaries and Egyptians Army men engaged a harsh march across the desert from Egypt to attack and storm Derne (then, the second most important town of the regency of Tripoli, in present northern Lybia).

Such event forced the pasha of Tripoli Jussouf Karamanli to sign the peace treaty which ended the "Barbarian Coast wars" and to release the 308 enslaved and held hostage for ransom Americans former crew of the wrecked ship "Philadelphia".

According to Professor H. Psomiadis who published in '77 a study on the subject, those 40 Greeks were "kleftes" or "armatoloi", members of organized military companies offering their services as mercenaries, characterized among all the mercenaries by their fidelity to the contractor after their engagement, with typical Greek "filotimia". Psomiadis speculates that this particular group was probably from the Peloponnese. My personal opinion is they were from Epirus more probably, and that the long military experiences gained by such groups played a basic leadership role in the 1821 Greek revolt for independence.

As said at the beginning, I wish to trade a toy-soldiers’ set consisting of 10 metal figures very well painted, 45 mm / approx 2 inches tall, 2 groups of five with rifles of different length.

You can see their photos attached. If anybody interested in purchasing this set, or for more information, pls. contact me by mail at:

My request is for 90 $ USD (sure we can discuss the fare if this is the problem) including registered - insured shipping (soldiers are now in Athens, GR). Payment could be made through PayPal.


Thank you for the attention, marios.

Your Dorset Greeks

Dear Evzone,

Thank you for the photos of your Dorset Evzone and Line Infantry.

I am now setting my sites on a future purchase from Dorset or from Glebe Miniatures.

Do you know if Glebe Miniatures is still in production?

Yeia Sas.

Re: Your Dorset Greeks

Dear Evzone,

Thank you for the photos of your Dorset Evzone and Line Infantry.

I am now setting my sites on a future purchase from Dorset or from Glebe Miniatures.

Do you know if Glebe Miniatures is still in production?

Yeia Sas.



I don't think Glebe are around anymore, but saying that I'm no expert. I'm sure one of the experts on the forum will know. Personally, I really like Giles at Dorset Toy Soldiers work. He does a number of different Greek units - drop him a line he's a friendly fella.

Take care and happy collecting - let me kno how you get on!
Where to find Athena toy soldiers

Go to ebay and type in AOHNA. Eventually you will see what is available. The company stopped production.

Heh , I found some images from their toys.
Maybe I can find them to Monastiraki.
If you find any clue msg me.

HIRIART of Uruguay has Evzones. Here are two sets that I have in my collection plus a second version of the band in dark blue uniforms which I do not have.


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