More carnage in the cornfield (1 Viewer)

Ken & Ericka Osen/H&A Studio

Command Sergeant Major
Jun 22, 2005
Hi all.
I just finished building a large display base for a collector which includes smaller scenic elements that can be arranged as needed. The grassy base section is 22" wide and 46" long. The removable separate elements are a snake rail fence section, a country road, a tobacco field , a hedgerow and a corn field.
I took a few photographs with some of the ACW figures I have sculpted over the years to give the impression of infantry moving trough a nineteenth century field very much like Miller's corn field. One of our backdrops helped extend the scene a bit.

A hot hazy September day is interrupted by the sound of clanking equipment and the rustling of corn stalks...

The colors fluttering over the corn are the only visible signs of friend or foe...

The shattering crash of an enemy volley reaps a grim harvest...

Fire was returned to the Rebs as the Iron Brigade pressed forward...

Only the colors could be used to dress the lines as they advanced with many brave men giving their lives to keep the flag flying...

The Rebs counter charged into the tangled mass of greenery and men pushing the Western Yankees back...


I found that the new flexible corn stalks made the placement of the figures a snap and give a good impression of an eighteenth to mid nineteenth century field. Looks like I will need to build one for my own collection now.
Thanks for looking,
Beautiful work from top to bottom.
Are the new flexible corn stalks available through Hudson/Allen?
Another awesome dio Ken and fantastic pic's! Love your work mate.

Excellent pics, the field and backdrop really pop! The series gives one the claustrophobic feeling of charging through tall plants like the corn rows as pictured. Very nice work-cheers!
Ericka just finished packing the components for shipping last night. I thought I would post the last images of this modular diorama I took before they left.

The edge of the tobacco field. Notice how effective the photo backdrop is in extending the diorama. We still have a few of these available for sale if anyone is interested.

Here is a shot of the components setting on the table in the dinning room. The four 22" X 46" sections make a good sized display. In this picture you can see two bases and four of the five movable components. The road and the snake rail fence sections were designed to set at an angle from edge to edge for visual interest.

Thank you for all the kind comments!
All the best,
I could use at least a hundred of the flexible corn stalks. They look very nice and hopefully we can purchase some in the future. I have 160 + Iron brigade { Britians, Conte, Converted Plastics and my own castings} that I want to have crashing into the Texans in Millers Cornfield. Cornrows have always held me back. My attempts at making some was okay, tedious and just not overall satisfactory. The number of metal Britain's corn sets I would need is cost prohibitive.
My Christmas list , at the top, is plastic corn rows. How screwed up is that!:tongue:
I got the " Miller's Cornfield " set last week and set up a small diorama on a shelf I cleared off, and added what few other crops and assorted iron Brigade guys from their ranks. Small fix but it's time to use my 16' long table for a Civil War battle. The boys have not been on the table for , 2 years? Longer?
Great inspiration Ken.
Yes, those would work for 20/25mm troops I guess. Which I have a ton of, unpainted of course.
a real work of art Ken and Erica, as usual I should add
Wow, that is some amazing work. I can only imagine how long it took to make this master piece. That cornfield looks fantastic!!!
Markey's H&A give-away brought me here......and I'm so pleased I dropped what a fantastic set up. I just love the scenary and back-drop and those great photographs......thanks so much for sharing{bravo}}
That is so cool and makes me utterly embarrassed at my attempt at a cornstalk patch in my AWI diorama recently posted in the K&C section, mine looks so amateur compared to this.

In starwars terminology you are the master and I am most certainly the apprentice.... ^&grin

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