Just like to add a comment or two to the subject purely as an observer as I dont collect K&C and I served my WWII toy soldier apprenticeship many years ago. But I have noticed that you WWII guys are almost devoid of casualty figures for your dios. I collect 19th Century figures and in particular ACW- am also a dio-builder nut- now my "war" had horrendous battle casualties due to old fashioned tactics still being practiced during the first "modern war". But ACW toy soldier manufacturers have identified this and subsequently produced some really authentic figures of dead and wounded to scatter amongst your dio which definitely adds realism.
My observations are based primarily on the dios that have been posted on the forum, so I may be wrong, however, this is what I have observed, Debrito's "Fall of Berlin" series of dios are just screaming out for dead Russians & Germans amongst his wrecked buildings. Likewise Panda's outstanding Arnhem dios who I'm sure struggles (as I would) to depict "war dead" amongst his besieged paratroopers and attacking German troops. It would appear that in the WWII "toy soldier world" there were hardly any casualties at all.
My father's eldest brother was killed at the bridge and when I have visited Arnhem to place flowers on his grave I am always overwhelmed at the amount of para-graves in their cemetery. There were indeed many dreadful casualties on both sides during that battle.
I realise and respect, for some, that it's a contentious issue but we are collecting/depicting in the most part War! figures and depicting battles that had many casualties. Therefore toy soldier battle casualties are an authentic necessity for collectors and especially for dio builders.
I remain bemused at how very few appear to be available for you WWII guys.