More napoleonics !!! (1 Viewer)

I think that matching the paints from one manufacturer to another is a common concern, but keep this in mind, with so little industrialization during the Napoleonic era, dye lots were often irregular, so that units in the same companies often did not match. You will notice that some painters even intentionally uniform their troops irregularly (pardon the paradox there). I know when it comes to French infantry, I rarely have two identical figures in a company, and trousers are often non-issue.

Generally speaking, I think you will find the K&C colors will be a bit more vivid while the FL figures have had a heavier treatment of wash, so may appear more muted. Frankly, I wouldn't worry about it, both companies produce lovely figures worthy of appreciating for their unique character. What a great dilemma to have! :)

Thanks for the input, and will definitely be buying the books you mentioned. And I agree this dilemna we have, with all this choices. It is great to be in this hobby.

LOL, It is definitely would be an option with the Hussar.
I am also thinking The same way with having Colbert Be the Centerpiece, Of My now Forming French army;), I am just hoping That The Red Lancers that K&C has, will match the color scheme that FL has, with not too much retouching in paints. I have washes and inks, plus glazes. I hope it will be enough.

Do you really think that these will go well together ??


Do you really think that these will go well together ??



It is really hard to expand with FL not having any Lancers, And I hate General Colbert being, all by his lonesome so its like buy it (a couple, the same ones in the picture), and see. And work with washes/ glazes. to get the colors as close as I can to each other. If somehow I am not happy with the results. I will stop with the two., And expand on the British Guards a great more. if I like how it turns out. Then, I will expand with the lancers more.
Yup...the style of the FL and K&C is certainly different, but can you display them together? I don't see why not. I collect FL and K&C and others. These are both fine figures. There seems to be a lot of rivalry between collectors, and that's ok...but I try to enjoy each style for what they are and how each compliments my collection. I'd have no qualms mixing these particular groups. Now, I have a box of Tradition Red Lancers loitering around here somewhere, now those would really stand out as odd. But you are going to display high quality matt figures from two very reputable companies with different styles. If you feel a need to justify the mix, I am sure that distinguished French officers didn't acquire their uniforms from the same places as the troopers. :)
I really don't see the issue. It's a toy soldier collection - the very word implies diversity. It can be a very tightly defined collection limited to only Napoleonics from only one manufacturer, to all Lancer regiments from all manufacturers including gloss, and anything in between. If "don't look good together" means that the FL figures have a higher level of detail, then I think that is true. But as I collect sample figures from all of the available Nap regiments, the figures which include a few glossies do get mixed in together just to show the diversity, not to avoid it.

As for "crush", I take it to mean impress the collector so much that he collects only FL as he won't like the look of other manufacturer's pieces by comparison - that is probably true for a few collectors, but many collectors actually like the figures made by other manufacturers. And considerations of price, choice, and availability figure in as well.

So for all of the above reasons, I'm not likely going to collect figures from just one manufacturer. Right now I have the best Polish Lancer, Red Lancer and Empress Dragoon available and none are from FL as they don't yet make any. I also have what I think is the best French 12 pdr gun set available from FL, but because of cost, British and Russian gun sets from other makers. So there are many factors that affect how and what I collect.

So the end word to this thread would be we need FL french dragoons !!!!!!!!!


It is really hard to expand with FL not having any Lancers, And I hate General Colbert being, all by his lonesome so its like buy it (a couple, the same ones in the picture), and see. And work with washes/ glazes. to get the colors as close as I can to each other. If somehow I am not happy with the results. I will stop with the two., And expand on the British Guards a great more. if I like how it turns out. Then, I will expand with the lancers more.
If you want Lancers now, that is a reasonable choice and as you said, if you don't like the mix, you can stop with two. I have said many times that I haven't found any K&C Napoleonic foot soldiers that look right to me with the greater detail and more accurate sizing of the FL figures but the Cuirassiers seem to work pretty well to me,, as least for now. Maybe the Lancers will too.

As to expansion needs, for the French, I would place the Dragoons and Hussars much higher on the priority list than Lancers but I certainly would like to have them as well. For the British, Rifles and fighting light or heavy cavalry would also rank higher for me.;):D
If you want Lancers now, that is a reasonable choice and as you said, if you don't like the mix, you can stop with two. I have said many times that I haven't found any K&C Napoleonic foot soldiers that look right to me with the greater detail and more accurate sizing of the FL figures but the Cuirassiers seem to work pretty well to me,, as least for now. Maybe the Lancers will too.

As to expansion needs, for the French, I would place the Dragoons and Hussars much higher on the priority list than Lancers but I certainly would like to have them as well. For the British, Rifles and fighting light or heavy cavalry would also rank higher for me.;):D

Sounds all great to me!!, With so many choices. If one Avenue/ selection closes/ or did not turn out as well. There are more options to choose from. Isn"t this great!! :D:D

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