More Rare K & C (1 Viewer)

Hi Brad I would just like to no what is the appeal of these items. This is not a dig at you at all mate just wonder what it is that makes you what to collect these pieces. Is it the chase and the hunting down of these older pieces or how rare they are. I think these days that the newer models are far better then the older ones by miles so can you help me out and tell me why would you hunt these down and buy them. I would say you paid some dollars for them so what is it that caught your eye. Chris.
Joe, you're quite correct. It was an opportunity that may never present itself again. Of, course, my wallet says I should have walked the other way ^&grin


Brad, I know what you mean about your wallet saying you should have walked the other way ^&grin.
I'm a big proponent of grabbing holy grail list items should they ever materialize, and acting fast while I'm at it.:smile2: I've never regretted purchasing a holy grail list item, but I have regretted those times that I let the wallet do the thinking.:tongue:
I'm sure you'll derive endless hours of enjoyment from your stellar, ultra-rare find!
You just can't put a price on that.:smile2:



As you said, sometimes you have to bite the bullet because if you start to have a debate with yourself, it will disappear.

Really big congratulations, very beautiful pieces!!!

Thanks Mario. Hope you've been well. Haven't seen you on the Forum lately.

belated congrats on obtaining those two stunning pieces
You have obtained the Holy Grail of early K&C pieces
Suspect that your next quest will be
"Raiders of the Lost Ark"
good luck

Harvey, thanks. See you in a few weeks. Don't forget Hackensack.

Hi Brad,
that is one amazing find you made in Chicago.
Congratulations to the addition of these very, very "hard to find" items to your collection :salute::
Happy Collecting!

Konrad, thanks. I didn't actually find this in Chicago; that would be the find of all finds. Just arranged to pick it up there.


So I didn't get a reply. I would have to say if I don't get it now no reply would be able to put me straight. Thanks for the help. Chris.{sm4}
Hi Brad I would just like to no what is the appeal of these items. This is not a dig at you at all mate just wonder what it is that makes you what to collect these pieces. Is it the chase and the hunting down of these older pieces or how rare they are. I think these days that the newer models are far better then the older ones by miles so can you help me out and tell me why would you hunt these down and buy them. I would say you paid some dollars for them so what is it that caught your eye. Chris.


It's all of the above. These are classic pieces that are wonderfully made. Yes, the newer models are better sculpted but you just can't find pieces like these anymore. I suppose rarity has something to do with it but these wooden pieces harken back to an earlier time in K & C's history that has a lot of appeal for me and many.


It's all of the above. These are classic pieces that are wonderfully made. Yes, the newer models are better sculpted but you just can't find pieces like these anymore. I suppose rarity has something to do with it but these wooden pieces harken back to an earlier time in K & C's history that has a lot of appeal for me and many.



Well said! That pretty much sums up any field of collectibles.

Nice catch!!

I think I just bought the pilot w/dog for 9.95, is that a good deal ?

Do you mean RAF 03 (Cattermole and friend) or RAF 11 (Gibson and friend). Both great sets.

It's whatever makes you happy.
Those figures aren't easy to find anymore so, yes, it's a good deal. A company named Good Soldiers also made a similar looking one.

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