more TSSD Marines... (2 Viewers)


Command Sergeant Major
Apr 30, 2005
Here are a few more TSSD USMC figure conversions. Yes, I do know how to paint them, but my customer prefers them in solid color.

Gary B.


  • USMC-flamethrower.jpg
    49.1 KB · Views: 1,000
  • USMC-stretcher.jpg
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  • USMC-radio.jpg
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  • USMC-thrusting.jpg
    48.6 KB · Views: 842
  • USMC_Im_hit.jpg
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Nice converts Gary!

Is the flamethrower from the Tamiya set?

Nice converts Gary! Is the flamethrower from the Tamiya set? Simon

The Tamiya part seemed small, so this one is scratchbuilt. The tanks are Evergreen styrene tubing with end caps shaped from Keadtite filler. The body of the flamegun is a piece of hypodermic needle, the rest is bit of styrene.

The Tamiya part seemed small, so this one is scratchbuilt. The tanks are Evergreen styrene tubing with end caps shaped from Keadtite filler. The body of the flamegun is a piece of hypodermic needle, the rest is bit of styrene.


In that case, even more kudos Gary. Superb scratch build.
Here are a few more TSSD USMC figure conversions. Yes, I do know how to paint them, but my customer prefers them in solid color.

Gary B.

Gary: ABSOLUTELY AWESOME!!!!! That flame thrower figure is exactly what I need, and the figure bayonet fighting is stunning too!! Do you sell these???..........Stryker
The Marine with the horrible face wound is very effective!

Sometimes unpainted is good to.
Awesome work Gary. I know the other Gary must be excited.
Gary: here would be a great scene: A marind blocking the down-ward thruse of a jap officer"s sword with his garand!!!..............Stryker
So far I am resisting buying the TSSD WW II figures and the new Indians and sticking to the CW sets. I can see leaving one figure from each WW II and Indian series "original" and converting the heck out of the rest.
I like these TSSD Marines fun to paint.


Gary is making the type of figures that the manufacturers SHOULD BE MAKING, and he is doing a terrific job at it. TSSD should be making MORE plastic marines and japs to go along withthe fne examples the already have done, and as far as themetal figure company's go---what are you waiting for???????.................Stryker

Gary is making the type of figures that the manufacturers SHOULD BE MAKING, and he is doing a terrific job at it. TSSD should be making MORE plastic marines and japs to go along withthe fne examples the already have done, and as far as themetal figure company's go---what are you waiting for???????.................Stryker

Thanks Stryker.....just getting started here more to come.
Do agree more Marines would be good.
Here are a few more TSSD USMC figure conversions. Yes, I do know how to paint them, but my customer prefers them in solid color.

Gary B.

Great conversions! how did you manage to create the flamethrower? from scrath, taken from another figure or kit? very nice indeed.


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