Mosquitoville (3 Viewers)

Mario, I know I`m biased, but I had the same choice to make and I chose Pistol Packing Mama...

I think it was a good choice.Camouflage aircraft and especially picture cowboy girls is beautiful!!!!!!! IMO Cowboy girls is best drawing on the plane and best camouflage aircraft is ME-110 Desert Version(Lawrence and Louis).
Louis mate,
Go on, be a devil, you know you want something big and beautiful like a "G" for George. Lawrence will be green with envy.^&grin^&grin
Cheers Howard:smile2:

Me - envious? Nah, I will just buy enough fighters to shoot that baby down {eek3}:tongue:^&grin As for the green part, it will cost Louis a lot of green to buy that beauty {eek3}

Sorry for the bad quality of the pictures. I didn't have time to take stand-alone pictures of the Avro and the other wooden warbirds. I aslo included a picture of figarti's B-17, which is an interesting piece.

A beautiful collection of warbirds!! Congratulations and thanks for sharing photos of them. Looking forward to seeing more. All the best, Lawrence
After years of searching, the newest addition to the airfield - K&C Papier Mache Quonset Hut

Very nice Larry. Congratulations, but what are you doing up at 2 in the morning? {eek3}
Very nice Larry. Congratulations, but what are you doing up at 2 in the morning? {eek3}

My guess would be gloating over his new acquisition . . . or maybe that's the only time he can take it out and play with it without his wife killing him . . . {eek3}{sm4}
After years of searching, the newest addition to the airfield - K&C Papier Mache Quonset Hut


Great pick up. I like the camoflage colours better on it than the Nissen Hut that was recently released by K&C. Papier Mache!!???!!?? {sm2} That must be super delicate. {eek3}
My guess would be gloating over his new acquisition . . . or maybe that's the only time he can take it out and play with it without his wife killing him . . . {eek3}{sm4}

My guess is that he's struttin' around the house at 2 am saying, "yeah, who's good. That's right. Take that Louis!" ^&grin
Very nice Larry. Congratulations, but what are you doing up at 2 in the morning? {eek3}

My guess would be gloating over his new acquisition . . . or maybe that's the only time he can take it out and play with it without his wife killing him . . . {eek3}{sm4}

My guess is that he's struttin' around the house at 2 am saying, "yeah, who's good. That's right. Take that Louis!" ^&grin

Thanks guys - I think :tongue: Had a late night at work and then did some CLE stuff. Since the wife was sleeping, took advantage of the situation and started planning the next attack on the Badolato Air Fleet ^&grin
Great pick up. I like the camoflage colours better on it than the Nissen Hut that was recently released by K&C. Papier Mache!!???!!?? {sm2} That must be super delicate. {eek3}

Thanks for the kind words. With regard to the papier mache, they are not as delicate as one might think. Actually they are relatively sturdy and their light weight makes them easier to move around. As an added plus, as compared to polystone buildings, when you put them on a display shelf, the shelf won't bow under the weight - unless of course you have all those polystone vehicles and metal soldiers displayed together with the building ^&grin
Thanks guys - I think :tongue: Had a late night at work and then did some CLE stuff. Since the wife was sleeping, took advantage of the situation and started planning the next attack on the Badolato Air Fleet ^&grin

CLE, ugh. Have to start thinking about that soon. Not only NY but NJ.
Newest addition to the Air Fleet


Cheers Lawrence,

Here are some wartime pictures of the actual kite from the 5th Emergency Rescue Squadron. Enjoy!

P-47D 42-75855 5F-A "Tony". Said to be the Commanding Officer's a/c.

P-47D 42-75855 5F-A "Tony".

P-47D 42-75855 5F-A "Tony". In the number two slot is 42-75228 5F-G "Harriet".

A clearer shot of P-47D 42-75855 5F-A "Tony" with 42-75228 5F-G "Harriet" flying wing.

P-47D 42-75855 5F-A "Tony".

Just a few minor paint discrepancies (wheel coverings/fairings, etc.) and placement of the aerial but overall a great looking K&C P-47 that was used to search for downed airmen especially on D-DAY. The warbird even carried a dingy (in a pod) that it could drop which is visible in one of the inflight pictures.

Tally Ho,
Beaufighter and sometimes Marc
Cheers Lawrence,

Here are some wartime pictures of the actual kite from the 5th Emergency Rescue Squadron. Enjoy!

Just a few minor paint discrepancies (wheel coverings/fairings, etc.) and placement of the aerial but overall a great looking K&C P-47 that was used to search for downed airmen especially on D-DAY. The warbird even carried a dingy (in a pod) that it could drop which is visible in one of the inflight pictures.

Tally Ho,
Beaufighter and sometimes Marc

On the K&C P47 the engine exhaust dust after the canopy look flat but should stick out a touch ^&confuse
On the K&C P47 the engine exhaust dust after the canopy look flat but should stick out a touch ^&confuse

Agreed but fixable on my end! Here is some more squadron information for those of you who like to research your purchases. These will be the aircraft from Lawrence's "We're Everywhere High to "LO" Squadron" spotting the downed flyers from "DARTH BADOLATO'S" Legal Eagles Squadron!

The 5th Emergency Resue Squadron

(Air Sea Rescue Squadron)


Boxted 1 May 1944 to 16 January 1945
Halesworth 16 January 1945 - EOW
Station Callsign:
Boxted: Dogday
Halesworth: Sturdy
Unit Callsign:
Code 5F
Callsign Teamwork


Thanks for providing all the historical info and photos. Now all we need are photos of the warbirds in your collection - afterall, I need to know what I can use against the Evil Empire ^&grin
Hope all is progressing and you will be up in the air soon.
All the best, Lawrence

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