Mosquitoville (14 Viewers)

It's a good plan Al. You can hold my coat :wink2:
Brad, I'm thinking the plan should work. The two superpowers shouldn't notice a missing aircraft or two. Could be one or two planes might be forced down in our neutral countries and would have to be interned.^&grin I'm no lawyer but I remember, that as a kid, posession was 9/10ths of the law. If the aircraft land in Lancerland, I'm not giving them back.{sm3}{sm4} -- Al

Larry has three Mosquitoes. I'm sure he wouldn't miss one. We could always blame Louis anyway {eek3}:tongue:
If the aircraft land in Lancerland, I'm not giving them back.{sm3}{sm4} -- Al

Please note that I have a squadron of F18's buzzing my airspace of Central Pa, due north of maryland/Arrakis- dead smack dab in the middle of the airspace between Manhattan and Lancerland. You can lay claim to whatever my boys don't bring down and bring to me as spoils of war. ^&grin
Uncle Sam needs you! Everyone, can chip in and help defeat the enemy!! Remember, for want of a horseshoe, a kingdom was lost - so jump in and join the fray. Tally Ho!!
In the best tradition of politicos the world over, I am on the fence when the two superpowers clash. I think I will exercise the tendencies of a vulture and wait to clean up the leftovers.{eek3} Perhaps I can, like the best politicians, be bought for the correct price.:wink2: I can waffle with the best of them.^&grin -- Al

Larry has three Mosquitoes. I'm sure he wouldn't miss one. We could always blame Louis anyway {eek3}:tongue:
Sounds good. It is all the two big Superpower's fault. That's the ticket. -- Al
Please note that I have a squadron of F18's buzzing my airspace of Central Pa, due north of maryland/Arrakis- dead smack dab in the middle of the airspace between Manhattan and Lancerland. You can lay claim to whatever my boys don't bring down and bring to me as spoils of war. ^&grin
I think an alliance between all us little people might work. We can surround the two Superpowers and cut off their TS deliveries if some sort of mutual agreement (to our advantage, of course) can't be reached. Invasion could be the last resort. Central Pa. would be staging area with the F18's providing the air umbrella. -- Al
Picked up the new version of the Komet today but see there a wooden one on ebay as well
I think an alliance between all us little people might work. We can surround the two Superpowers and cut off their TS deliveries if some sort of mutual agreement (to our advantage, of course) can't be reached. Invasion could be the last resort. Central Pa. would be staging area with the F18's providing the air umbrella. -- Al

{sm4}{sm4} Mechanicsburg AFB ready for action General Lancer- you handle the air forces and I will handle the ground forces. We will recruit Mr. Jazzeum for pre-invasion intel. We will enlist the aid of our British allies to blockade NY Harbor with naval forces.

I do believe this plan is coming together nicely.......................:p
{sm4}{sm4} Mechanicsburg AFB ready for action General Lancer- you handle the air forces and I will handle the ground forces. We will recruit Mr. Jazzeum for pre-invasion intel. We will enlist the aid of our British allies to blockade NY Harbor with naval forces.

I do believe this plan is coming together nicely.......................:p
All we have to do now is find Manhatten....
We will enlist the aid of our British allies to blockade NY Harbor with naval forces.

I do believe this plan is coming together nicely.......................:p

Sorry CC, we just scrapped our Navy remember?
Anyway, I'm approaching both sides with lend lease requests, and see what makes it across here first. :)
Can the Aussie Mercenary Squadron get into this fight. Available to the highest bidder. Knowing both your collections its going to cost you big time.^&grin^&grin Squadron comes with a "G' for George Lancaster supported by two Hurricanes and two Spitfires as air cover. Supported by a couple of ME262, a FW190 and two Me109s and a Mustang as back up.
All flown by dinky dye Aussie pilots of VC quality.:smile2:
Great thread fellas. Keep up the great work.
Cheers Howard:smile2:
Show us yours Howard ^&cool I'll post them for you, then let the Group Commanders fight over you ^&grin
Sorry Louis, but Lawrence holds the power of the PEKING DUCK over me. Gotta go with my boy Lo. {sm4}

Ok Lawrence- is that good?? If so, POST THE DUCK!! {sm4}{sm3}


I am hurt - and after I gave you Heco military aid.{eek3}^&grin
Can the Aussie Mercenary Squadron get into this fight. Available to the highest bidder. Knowing both your collections its going to cost you big time.^&grin^&grin Squadron comes with a "G' for George Lancaster supported by two Hurricanes and two Spitfires as air cover. Supported by a couple of ME262, a FW190 and two Me109s and a Mustang as back up.
All flown by dinky dye Aussie pilots of VC quality.:smile2:
Great thread fellas. Keep up the great work.
Cheers Howard:smile2:

I would be honored to gain your support, Cobber!:smile2: Even if I did have to bribe your Aussie contingent to join me . . . :tongue:

I am hurt - and after I gave you Heco military aid.{eek3}^&grin

As Napoleon said, "An army marches on its stomach." Feed an Army guy and he shall follow, but one needs to keep an eye on them - Army green still runs in their blood. :wink2:
Lawrence, saw your Mosquitos, Just saw Mosquito Squadron on Netflix. Starring the Doctor from NCIS, David McCallum. Fairly good WWII movie for anyone who watches that sort of thing.{sm2}{sm2}

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