Mounted Egyptian Cavalry Band c.1900 (1 Viewer)

I thought that I would show you what I have left to do with this project - as far as I'm taking it for now. I will expand the band at future point to around the number shown in the original B&W photo that I have been working from (twenty-something). Some of the instruments shown will eventually be duplicated - to make up a larger band - just like the real thing.

Below you can see the remaining four horses that I have for now - and the musician/riders who will eventually fill the saddles. I think you can get an idea of how they are painted from the stages of development. The Tenor-Hornist will be finally assembled soon - just waiting for coats of paint to be dry enough to put his arms on. These will be glued and joints milliputed - then finally blended in and paint touched in. Note that I have fitted the Basson onto its lugs, temporarily, in order to file them to make a snug fit before painting and final asembly. The Cornet and the Clarinet are meant for the rear figures, who are also less developed so far. jb

Hi JB,

just wanted you to know that your postings here are truly inspiring.
I have now been tempted to have a go at completing my Royal State Coach with my 6 horses. Can't let you have all the fun....:)

Rgds V
Hi JB,

just wanted you to know that your postings here are truly inspiring.
I have now been tempted to have a go at completing my Royal State Coach with my 6 horses. Can't let you have all the fun....:)

Rgds V

Hi Chum - Glad you like them - and delighted to learn that you have been tempted to finish that Coach - though it should have eight horses - not six!

I have to tell you though - that YOU actually inspired ME - to find a State Coach for myself, (which is incomplete at the moment - and in need of a bit of TLC). It is awaiting another pair of horses, which are currently missing ( I believe they call them "hand horses" - as these are the riderless ones on the Coach). I have the four being ridden - but only two of the others - as it stands. I'm having the missing pair re-cast for me though. The pic below may clarify, for those that don't know how it should look.


As the missing two will be castings - I will be re-painting the whole thing - as it currently looks very shabby. Probably kept for too long in the sun, I think!

Only goes to show what sharing on this Forum can do for each other I guess. I will look forward to seeing your further progress - as I have been quietly wondering how you were getting on (or not) with that project. I now have a copy of "The Royal Mews" by Mary Stewart Wilson - which has loads of pics - so if you need something specific - PM me and I'll scan you anything that might help, if I can. Glad you're enjoying my latest project - which I will be completing at some future date with a few more mounted musicians. All the best - jb
I have just finished off my two remaining Egyptian Cavalry figures - which now gives me MY version of the old Britains set 115. I now have four Troopers and an Officer figure - who will eventually provide an escort for my Band - which is still a work in progress.

Any guesses as to which figure was an original hollowcast Britains? (albeit - a repaired one)????:D jb


Hi JB,

These look very smart - nice paint job. ^&cool

I'll go for the first figure from the left as he looks a lot lighter being hollowcast. :wink2:

Jeff :salute::
Hi JB,

Looks like my 6 identical horses witout riders are of a different casting...:O. I had a couple of undersized yeomen marching along too. What a bummer.

I'll try to rationalise and post on a separate thread. You get on with the Egyptians.

Rgds V
Wilco Victor - sent you a PM with a suggestion as to how you might resolve your problem. jb

Cheers Jeff - well read! Glad you still like 'em.
Here's an update on my last four musicians for this project. They are playing (L to R) Tenor Horn, Bassoon - and the last two Cornet and Clarinet.

The Tenor Horn player paintwork is drying - and apart from the base and odd touch-ups is completed and nearly ready for varnishing. The Bassoonist has just had his arms/instrument added, after his buttons were done on top of his plastron.( Just noticed that both figures stirrups need painting brown).

Note how the arm joint has been filled and painted in the first figure - whilst the second one hasn't been filled, joint cleaned up and touched in yet (glue needs to set off firmly yet for arms ). The last two figures have not been fixed to the saddles yet - as I need to do more work on the uniforms first. jb

I must stress that this is NOT the finished article - but I have finally fitted all of the seperate parts of all of my existing figures for this project (so far) - and, as usual, just couldn't wait to see what my small Band and Escort looked like when set up. I don't think they look too bad - so thought that I would show you too. They're riding next to a pyramid at the moment, by the way^&grin

Don't look TOO hard at them though - as four of them lurking at the rear, still have work to be done on them, in order to get them fully finished. They will look even better then - and better yet when I get some more and bring them up to their final strength of twenty-something. (maybe five ranks of four with the drummer out front might look better?). Will carry on - and show you when I've completed these next. jb

they look very nice, now that the ranks have been swelled to 10 bandsmen.

Yes some more would be even better, but I think about a dozen or so is sufficent for effect.

Another project completed..... whats next?????

Well Done!!!!

Hi all (including folks kind enough to tick the "likes" box). Gotta go for all thumbs up yet Jeff - as these are currently unfinished. I think that ten bandsmen were an okay number to begin with - as it can become tiresome to do basically the same figure over and over. But for me, the pleasure becomes greater with Glossies, when they can make a biggish display. Something seems to happen - and the big display becomes MORE than the sum of its parts. So, next time I visit Dorset - the ranks will swell for the Egyptian Band.

What's next John?

Well, I have a few bits and pieces to do as add-ons for previous projects. A couple of add-on Scots Greys and some Hussars - will swell the ranks of two previously made bands with Escorts. I also have a Dodge City Cowboy Band to make up from castings, which I've been looking forward to - and a few Royal Coaches to make up or restore - to name but a few. I'll do the bits first though, I think.:D Should be fun. jb
Hey - Get better soon John. I must admit - I can't think of a better way to take it easy - though I prefer my "Studio" to my shed - you couldn't swing a cat in my shed! (metaphorically speaking).

As mentioned earlier, I've started on making up a couple more mounted Scots Greys - one more for the band, as it wasn't symetrical when laid out - I was one musician short. Then I noticed that Yeomanary Miniatures do a mounted Guidon Bearer - and I thought that would be a good idea too. Snag was, he wouldn't match up with the others (who hailed from Dorset). Brian's castings are just that bit bigger than Giles' figures - which are made to fit in with Britains figures. So..............After a bit of head scratching, I worked out how I would do it by adapting a Dorset casting.

Several rough sketches followed - and with an adapted flag arm drilled through to accept brass rod for the guidon pole - and some rolled out milliput for the guidon itself - I have got this far with them:

First pic is guidon being made. I used a spare arm - which I had to cut in half, shape then pin and glue to get the correct elbow bend. Then I drilled through the hand to accept the brass rod. Then attach the shaped flag - ( I coated it with super-glue to harden it off quicker).

Next starting to paint banner - a day or two later.

Third pic below - is where I am now - thanks to Trooper - who kindly gave me a pic of the correct Guidon for around 1899. I used a 00000 brush for this - but still couldn't squeeze in all of the battle honours - but it's close enough! Alongside is the extra musician - so far. Note that these are still works in progress. I have been quietly working on these whilst waiting for coats of paint to dry on the Egyptians. I often have more than one project on the go - and have some Mobile Canteens going as well - but that'll be another thread - methinks.

So - that's what I'm up to currently John - hope you enjoy seeing someone else struggle - and have fun in the shed - but also look after yourself. You've practically achieved "National Treasure" status now, you know:wink2::D Cheers! - jb.
My favourite day has arrived. I've finished the project I set out to undertake - (for now).

Below see how a smallish Egyptian Cavalry Band (c.1900) of ten musicians might have looked - along with a small escorting group of Lancers - who might also owe a passing thank-you to some old Britains hollowcast figures - from around that time too.:wink2:

Certainly, great fun to make up - hopefully in the style of Best Britains Toy Soldiers - which have turned out rather surprisingly, very colourful in appearance. Makes me wonder why no-one seems to have done them before?:confused:

Note that the uniforms of the bandsmen seem to be about right, thanks to advice - and a wonderful picture from my good friend Trooper (once again!) . Even though some of the colours - like that of the drum banners and saddle-blanket are conjecture - though based on the advice that they might probably - rather than possibly - be correct ( thanks to another friend in Los Angeles).

Thanks for watching along - and for a few words of encouragement, now and again, when I was flagging ( and a few diversions - which are always welcome). Hope you like them - as much as I do. See you next time - when their ranks WILL grow - to something like the proper size of the band that once rode - all those years ago - past the pyramids. A few final pics - below.

The band.

Band and Escort


P.S. The real (repaired and repainted) hollowcast Britains lancer that started the whole thing off - is the front figure in the rear rank.
Cheers Jeff - glad you like 'em. Here's a couple of odd pieces I'm still working on - Scots Greys for my Band and escort. At the rear is an existing clarinetist in the band - so you can see what my two new recruits will be joining. The Guidon Bearer is an adapted musician figure.
Very impressive. Glad to see that the drum horse rider has the stirrip reins.

I am working on mine. Twenty seven musicians under way but the horses are taking more time to cast than I expected.
Is the double stripe on the trousers fact or assumed? Single or double?

I found a vidio of the Independance day parade and the Indian Border Security Band, the bass drummer has the drum as he would if on foot. God help the camel if he lifts his head.
Hi Tinsoldier - glad to hear that your projects are underway.

Yes the double white stripe down each trouser-leg is fact. Have a look back to the beginning of this thread - and you will see a tinted picture post-card showing the band on foot - and you can see the two stripes quite clearly. This was given to me by a very good friend of mine - Trooper. If you do have any painting queries - I suggest you post them here - where there are several very helpful and knowledgable people who will doubtless offer help and advice.

As to normal bass drums on mounts - this is not as unusual as you might think. Many American - and also Canadian units used them - often slung out to the side (on horses) - doubtless to avoid contact with the horses head. With a camel having a longer neck - maybe it wasn't such a problem?? I'm guessing that a head strap of some description may be involved in keeping the head of the camel low - maybe fixed from under the beast's chin to a chest area???? See if you can find some pics on Google-Images - or similar sites.

This is a band that I made earlier - showing the 1st Canadian Mounted Rifles Pipe Band - at the end of WW1, (available as castings from Yeomanary Miniatures, by the way). Note the Bass, Tenor and side drums slung out to the side at the rear of the party. Looks awkward - but that's how they chose to do it. Kettledrums look a darned sight more elegant - as well as practical, in my opinion.

Here's another photo - of a much earlier Saxon Mounted Dragoon Drummer from 1735, showing the same side-mounted method for a side-drum.

You can also find many images of US Cavalry like that too.

Anyway - best of luck with both projects - would like to see your progress, from time to time, if possible. Johnnybach
Further to my last posts on this thread, last year - and the pics of my smallish band (10 mounted figures): I have been assembling and painting another six figures to enlarge the band - so thought I'd show you how these are progressing.

Below, find a pic. of my latest six figures and six horses - in various states of completion. To the right, you can see two almost completed figures already mounted up. These are a new (larger) Bombardon player and a Clarinetist. I've included the existing Bombardon player at the rear - to show the difference in size of the new instrument. To remind you, the figures are all made up from various adapted existing parts from Dorset Soldiers extensive range of figures - and on a recent visit, I found that Giles Brown ( owner) now had two sizes of this instrument - so chose a different, and larger one of my favourite old instruments, to include in the band.( see existing Band, back on post #54 of this thread).

Note also another trombonist and euphonium player nearing completion (boots to finish off) - prior to mounting them up on their almost dry horses (I find paint is slow drying at this time of the year - even under a lamp).

The other two figures need to have their plastron/brass buttons finishing off - before arms with instruments go on (cornet and sax). Much easier to get at details like this with the arms/instruments off. Note the "black buttons" on the plastrons of these two. Each of these will need a blob of gold paint applied on top. The buttons will then show a thin line of black around them - and they will "pop" a little. I haven't started on the horses yet (unpainted - at the rear) - though the two parts to each horse have been joined together and cleaned up a bit. I hope this small group shows in general terms, how the figures are progressed. I might be able to varnish the first pair later tonight - dependent on the paintwork being dry enough to take it.

Latest update on progress shown below. Four are more or less completed - on either side - whilst the last pair of horses and the boots of the riders need more painting. I can then add these to my Band of ten figures - and Escort of 5 Lancers. jb


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