My AWI Lecture and Toy Soldier Presentation to the Maine Historical Society (1 Viewer)

Hi, Larry, unfortunately, no, I don't know what those numbers mean. My first thought was that they were the catalog numbers, identifying the nationality of each one, but they don't match in any way with the list in "Collecting Toy Soldiers." We'll need someone with some specialty knowledge of Louis Marx, Co, I think.

***** UPDATE: After a bit of hunting they appear to be part of a "Target Set" that when you ... Shoot Them ... your would get that number of points.
Seems they were called "Soldiers of Fortune"

That makes sense, and explains why there's no apparent connection to the catalog numbers.

There are a couple up on eBay right now, too--I have no connection with the seller, by the way.

Yeah, it starts with the Clovis people, or even earlier.


Hey Go For Broke,
I did bring 4 of them and centered some of the "learning, teaching and preserving lecture" around them.
I am going to post some photos from the session soon. My Indian village went over better than the AWI diorama did.


Ya' I hear that Andy is going to start a whole new series on the Clovis People and nomads that came across the land bridge from (now) Russia. Mostly naked little guys with furry feet being chased by Woolly Mammoths {eek3} okay, okay only joking .... I don't want to start a panic and add to Andy's headaches! {eek3}


The more I investigate it "seems" :confused: that a small spring loaded cannon that shot cork pellets was used. Some folks say it was a toy pistol that shot cork or rubber pellets. Unclear if they came with a set of figures or just that was what boys used at the time.

The investigation is fun.

--- LaRRy
I hear that Andy is going to start a whole new series on the Clovis People, mostly naked little guys with furry feet being chased by Woolly Mammoths {eek3} okay, okay only joking ............................

Must be a slow day in Waldoboro......................then again, what day in one stoplight/Goober at the filling station/Floyd the Barber/one bullet deputy Barney/Waldoboro isn't a slow day?.............................................
Must be a slow day in Waldoboro......................then again, what day in one stoplight/Goober at the filling station/Floyd the Barber/one bullet deputy Barney/Waldoboro isn't a slow day?.............................................

Actually it is quite an active day, lots going on.

Mrs Nettie Freeman's cow got out of the field and stood in the road. Three cars were stopped for 20 mins while they tried to figure out how to get her back in the field. (The cow, not Nettie!)

Then, Ned Parsley announced today that he will be adding a new flavor to his ice cream stand, Butter Pecan!! Some of the church folks are a bit upset as they think it might to scandalous to have young girls order Butter Pecan in a sugar cone. A hearing will be held tonight at 6:45 in the church. Vanilla ice cream will be served!

Finally, a crime wave has hit Waldoboro. A darn Massachusetts flat-lander was cited today for parking 32 minutes in a 30 minute parking zone. AND a used Pepsi can was found on the lawn of Widow Hodges.

Guess it is time to move further north and get out of this crime ridden Gotham City.

--- LaRRy
Actually it is quite an active day, lots going on.

Mrs Nettie Freeman's cow got out of the field and stood in the road. Three cars were stopped for 20 mins while they tried to figure out how to get her back in the field. (The cow, not Nettie!)

Then, Ned Parsley announced today that he will be adding a new flavor to his ice cream stand, Butter Pecan!! Some of the church folks are a bit upset as they think it might to scandalous to have young girls order Butter Pecan in a sugar cone. A hearing will be held tonight at 6:45 in the church. Vanilla ice cream will be served!

Finally, a crime wave has hit Waldoboro. A darn Massachusetts flat-lander was cited today for parking 32 minutes in a 30 minute parking zone. AND a used Pepsi can was found on the lawn of Widow Hodges.

Guess it is time to move further north and get out of this crime ridden Gotham City.

--- LaRRy

LOL. Good one LaRRy.
Actually it is quite an active day, lots going on.

Mrs Nettie Freeman's cow got out of the field and stood in the road. Three cars were stopped for 20 mins while they tried to figure out how to get her back in the field. (The cow, not Nettie!)

Then, Ned Parsley announced today that he will be adding a new flavor to his ice cream stand, Butter Pecan!! Some of the church folks are a bit upset as they think it might to scandalous to have young girls order Butter Pecan in a sugar cone. A hearing will be held tonight at 6:45 in the church. Vanilla ice cream will be served!

Finally, a crime wave has hit Waldoboro. A darn Massachusetts flat-lander was cited today for parking 32 minutes in a 30 minute parking zone. AND a used Pepsi can was found on the lawn of Widow Hodges.

Guess it is time to move further north and get out of this crime ridden Gotham City.

--- LaRRy

Actually the funny part is all of these things really did happen, Larry is not being sarcastic..........................
As Sgt. Schultz used to say, "Jolly jokers..."

....The more I investigate it "seems" :confused: that a small spring loaded cannon that shot cork pellets was used. Some folks say it was a toy pistol that shot cork or rubber pellets. Unclear if they came with a set of figures or just that was what boys used at the time.

The investigation is fun.

--- LaRRy

You're probably right, Larry. There were makers who sold sets of soldiers for use with toy pistols, rifles or cannons. Some of the weapons were air-powered, some were spring-loaded. There were a couple of makers who patented trays to hold their soldiers, and cast the bases with pins to fit into them, for use in target games. Whether Marx also sold such a toy pistol or rifle, I don't know, but I'll see if I can find anything more in my references.

As Sgt. Schultz used to say, "Jolly jokers..."

You're probably right, Larry. There were makers who sold sets of soldiers for use with toy pistols, rifles or cannons. Some of the weapons were air-powered, some were spring-loaded. There were a couple of makers who patented trays to hold their soldiers, and cast the bases with pins to fit into them, for use in target games. Whether Marx also sold such a toy pistol or rifle, I don't know, but I'll see if I can find anything more in my references.


After reading your post it got me wondering if something like these toys could EVER be made and sold again ...{eek3}
I can imagine parents screaming at their son .... "YOUR'RE GOING TO SHOOT YOUR EYE OUT"!

How did we ever survive childhood? {sm2}

--- LaRRy
Larry, I enjoyed your story of your presentation and some history. I collected the Marx tin guys and the General and nurse are rare. Brings back memories. John
Larry, I enjoyed your story of your presentation and some history. I collected the Marx tin guys and the General and nurse are rare. Brings back memories. John

Glad I could brig a few "good thoughts" to you. In a way, isn't this is what the whole hobby is about ... :rolleyes2:

--- LaRRy
PHOTOS of the K&C figures that I showed during my presentation.

Sorry it took a while, but I finally carved out some time to get some photos. Since this is not really an "Historical Discussion" I will post a teaser here, but the rest in the main King And Country folder. The lighting was terrible in the hall but I did manage to get some clear shots.

This set is the KING and Country AWI Hessians --- Under Attack

FULL Diorama View

Awaiting the Assault

SEE MORE in the King and Country Tread.

I will get JJD and others up soon ... (I hope)

--- LaRRy
PHOTOS #2 of the K&C figures that I showed during my presentation

Here are a couple of K&C and Country Dragoons that were shown at the presentation.
As before go to the King and Country folder "Just ... King and Country American Revolution" to see additional photos.

The Diorama base is made by the Honorable and Esteemed ... Mike Miller ... THANK YOU Mike! {sm4}

--- LaRRy

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