my first alamo (1 Viewer)

Mar 3, 2008
hi after 25 years of painting connisuer figures in 54mm ive been recently drawn to gloss toy style very worrying but know ive found conte plastics wow are'nt they fantastic ive just finished my first alamo figure and not looking back
thanks for listening
ps im not worried anymore


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    days out ans shizzle 068.jpg
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You did some impressive work there.
Absolutely no need to look back or being worried ;)
Looks like you found a new field.
You know, there are many, many Conte plastic figures out there and they are without doubt the best plastic figures and very affordable.
Can't wait to see your Alamo display growing.
Congratulations to such fine work and thanks for posting it.
I agree there is nothing to worry about in painting gloss figures, I do but only metal castings not plastic.

Looks good btw.

Kind of ironic that the first Alamo defender is Ben Martin from the patriot, but good work, he looks good.
thank god someone said it i didn't like to in case i was rong . thank you all for replying thats the boost i need .my wife is buying me some more sets for my birthday i will do the alamo + the zulu war two ranges i realy like
thanks again
Hi there,
The alamo is my favorite too. Good job on the Ben Martin figure. I have also painted several (approx. 500) Marx, Timpo, Conte, BMC, and other plastic figures that deal with the Alamo. I look forward to seeing some of your creations to get new paint styles.
just ordered 3 sets of alamo plastics from sierra toy soldiers my first time ordering from them can't wait to get them nice web site also did my first conversion cange of headgear more on that later i need to get a good camara mine not so good then i can post pics of my conversions. i convert alot its easy with plastics do you guys convert
You can a sense of how doomed the "Texians" were a few dozen of the Conte figures. A lot of the "Texians" are really Conte converted figures from their Civil War, Rev-War, Zulu War and Roger's Rangers.(No complaints) I really like their Mexicans too!

hi scott yep i have a set of mexicans coming they look great i don't mind about the texans look good and its more fun to covert if you have two figures the same in a set it makes them unique that is the good thing about conte plastics
The Mexicans are great and easy to paint i have done about 40 of them so far
here are a couple thought i might share a pic :)
The Mexicans are great and easy to paint i have done about 40 of them so far
here are a couple thought i might share a pic :)

I like the finish on these....nice and colourful too. :)

The shading on the trousers look very natural and I like the skin tone on the faces. The officer might not be of Indian blood and could be lighter skinned. The Brown Bess's look great! All in all these are impressive if you'll take the opinion of a guy who just "color codes" his figures one color. ;)
French Uniforms and British muskets. What the heck is the world coming too? Then cats and dogs living together! Mass Hysteria!:eek::eek:
It's good to see the Alamo get an airing on here as I'm just about to start designing a "Final Stand" dio myself with a mix of figures.
The shading on the trousers look very natural and I like the skin tone on the faces. The officer might not be of Indian blood and could be lighter skinned. The Brown Bess's look great! All in all these are impressive if you'll take the opinion of a guy who just "color codes" his figures one color. ;)

Hi Scott
I have painted two other officers with a lighter skin tone so i thought i would just mix it up a little
thank you for the kind comments
Cheers Rob :)
French Uniforms and British muskets. What the heck is the world coming too? Then cats and dogs living together! Mass Hysteria!:eek::eek:

Toward the middle of the 1800s France was still the model for some Armies, even the U.S.
With the end of the Franco Prussian War, the model was German.

Mexican uniforms toward 1900 had German style spiked helmets for dress and French style Kepis with khaki clothing for the field.

A number of South American countries adopted uniforms similar to those of countries they bought weapons from. The blue French style uniforms were designed because they had "Republican" colors. Red, White, and Blue. The Spanish uniform style was Bourbon white, while Mexico was a Republic at least in principle.

British weapons were great, and available, but Britain was still a Monarchy and not to copied in uniform color or style at the time of the Alamo battle. The Mexican army still had white fatigues like the "peon" clothing and cowboy "Vaquero" influence for irregular troops.

Osprey books has a pretty good selection of Alamo and Mexican army books in the $14-$16 range.
The Ospery books are good another good one is called (uniforms of the Alamo and the texas Revolution) by Bruce Marshal
He does talk about the "white uniforms"
There is no real record that the uniform was at the alamo or not but they did have them at the time.
The great Alamo paintings by McArdle has troops with the white uniform in his paintings.
One thing is for sure the Mexicans wore a mish mash of unifoms and most of them would have looked more like refugees by the time they reached the Alamo.
The 2004 movie had a flash Mexican Army but i think it would have looked better if they mixed the uniforms up a little and maybe had some dis mounted presidial's :)
"white uniforms"

I went to look at some more sources for Mexican Uniforms and of course I found White, and Red ones too. (I shouldn't generalize too much.) White could be summer weigh. One image in the Osprey book is shows a soldier in a loose shirt and trousers with a broad sombrero. This was tropical dress. My original point was that uniform styles reflected both politics and local dress. The Mexicans uniforms did look a little like French and a little like Spanish without their Bourbon heraldry.

Some Texans were armed with British "Brown Bess" muskets found in the Alamo after the Texians took San Antonio de Bexar in December 1835 making that a Mexican arm. British Baker Rifles were used by the Cazadores. (light companies)

Again I'm getting this from the two Osprey books on the Alamo, and their book on Santa Anna's Army.

Portraying Santa Anna's army with some raggedness, mix and match clothing, and items of local dress would look good and not be out of place. Sandals would be good but there was an order that shoes should be worn for the assault. That's on page 36 of The Alamo 1836 of the Osprey Campaign series # 89. Conte's Mexican figures seem to show this and the figures could be painted with mixed color trousers. Mexian soldiers appear to have tied strings around their legs below the knee to possibly keep insects and dust out.

I've seen some paintings of the Alamo with Mexican troops wearing 1900-1910 styles!

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