Thanks for thowing out the challenge...
Here are some in my collection that I've painted:
Dutch (Red) Lancer Summer & Winter 1812
by Errol John Studios
Officer of Imperial Guard 1st Regt, Polish Lancer, holding Prussian Guard's hat, 1814
by Stadden
Officer 2nd Regt Chevau-Legers-Lanciers De La Garde
by Rose Miniatures
And the Infantry Band also wore the Chapka:
French Light Infantry 17th Regiment Band Drum-major 1809
French Line Infantry 9th Regiment Bandsman
by Lead Army
Can anyone else contribute to this thread..... I think its got a long way to go, as we haven't got any mounted figures yet!
I think you missed the theme of this thread... its troops wearing the Czapska which is a Polich cavalry helmet.
I didn't see any in you wonderful Stadden figure
Thanks for throwing out the challenge...
Here are some in my collection that I've painted:
Dutch (Red) Lancer Summer & Winter 1812
by Errol John Studios
Officer of Imperial Guard 1st Regt, Polish Lancer, holding Prussian Guard's hat, 1814
by Stadden
Officer 2nd Regt Chevau-Legers-Lanciers De La Garde
by Rose Miniatures
And the Infantry Band also wore the Chapka:
French Light Infantry 17th Regiment Band Drum-major 1809
French Line Infantry 9th Regiment Bandsman
by Lead Army
Can anyone else contribute to this thread..... I think its got a long way to go, as we haven't got any mounted figures yet!
The Russian actually called this military hat for hussars, lancers, etc. - "KIVER" which is self explained in, why didn't you say wearing big hats how do I know what a Czapska is lol, I suppose its pronounced CHASAPASK lol. Had a saying where I came from "If you can't fight get a big hat" lmao.
Between you & trooper I am turning into a Military Historian.