My New Winter Diorama (1 Viewer)


1st Lieutenant
Sep 23, 2006
My new Winter diorama came today and it's Brilliant! Tony made it for me after I asked for it earlier this year and it came just in time for Christmas:D !

It is a brilliant piece of work! I saw it at the London show on the 2nd. Tony said it wasn't finished, but should be quickly!I think he also said that it was the first one made with this particular idea, and that loads of collectors wanted one made like this:D!
If you are one of these collectors I can pomise you that you won't be disappointed because Tony's work is AMAZING!

My diorama had a large rectangle at the back of it so I could place 3 JG Miniatures bases on it! It also had a large fence which had been broken to make it look like it had been blown up by shells! It also had shell craters and I bought some new American BOB figure sets, and some JG Miniatures bushes to place on it!:D

Thanks a lot Tony for a spectacular diorama with loads of detail and action this should keep me occupied over Christmas!:D

I'll post a picture as soon as I work out how to!

P.S. Hope you're ready for another diorama Tony, I've got it all set out, I even made a plan:D
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I hope I'm not out of place volunteering Peter or Brad's services, but they always seems very accomodating in sticking photos on the forum, if you were to e-mail them with the attachment.

I'm a bit technically challanged with downsizing the photos, managed it once and then promptly forgot how to do it again. :eek:

Look forward to seeing the diorma.


You're not out of place at all. Arnhemmad, please email me the photos and I'll post them.
VERY nice dio !
I bet you're having some fun with that beauty.
Thanks for obliging with the photos.

Nice looking diorama you've got there. Thanks for sharing it with us. The next one you've got planned wouldn't happen to involve Arnhem by any chance would it? ;)

Great workmanship. I do like the 'frosty' fence look.

Thanks for obliging with the photos.

Nice looking diorama you've got there. Thanks for sharing it with us. The next one you've got planned wouldn't happen to involve Arnhem by any chance would it? ;)

Great workmanship. I do like the 'frosty' fence look.


Thanks a lot Brad for posting the photos:D!!! You'll have to explain to me how to do that:eek:!

I'm actally working on an (Arnhem style) diorama right now!!! I am using a sandy coloured table with nothing covering it as the base, so it dosn't really look right!!

I have pictures of it, but I think Brad will have to help me out again:eek:If thats alright with you Brad!!! Honestly, if we didn't have Brad i shudder to think how we would see al these graet dios and tell if the price for a retired King and Country set was right:eek: Just kidding Brad is a great guy!!!

Thanks again for helping me out Brad, and I hope everyone had a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAS A HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!
:D Does anyone else have any pictures of a Winter diorama they could post:confused:??? I woul;d love to see other people's work!!!:D :D :D
It was my pleasure to post it. Actually posting it is easy. I have Microsoft Office Picture Manager and it lets you reduce the photo so that it fits the Board software. Sorry it took so long.
Do you think you could help me post pictures of my :eek:Arnhem:eek:style:eek: diorama??:D

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