Yes excatly,that is what i have in mind!!! GREAT piece,i need to buy this....
Yes,if there is a bigger table than it can be larger base and it could be very interesting diorama,.....
The problem is that even this diorama which is not so big 68 cm x 68 cm it was original in one piece but than the Jim "the base maker" Clouse
need to cut at the middle because of cheaper postage.Because they have a rule about the size of a package and when he cut the board it cost 43 USD postage to Europe but if he didnt cut the board it will cost 140 USD or something like that.So Jim cut the board and he nicely cover the seam between two boards so now it is even more interesting because dry land it could have some seam in reality too so it is nice and i am very sattisfaid.
The problem is if i wish to have a larger base,because of the postage cost i will still need to get more smaller pieces and than put together inmy room,...but Jim can do everything you will tell him to do and he will give you some cover material to cover the seam or something so you can order bigger dioramas and than put together at home....
Next time i will order bigger diorama too,or i will order another and put with this one i already have,but i little diferent,only the same style and colour,....that way i will get bigger diorama but i will also need a bigger table,....
Maybe you from USA do not need to cut the board for postage but for Europe it is a must haha,because the board is not expensive but than it is the postage cost,the tax in my country,.....which make a bigger price....I am sure in USA things are diferent so i advise you to contact Jim or at least look at his website,....he make very beautyfull winter dioramas too!!!!