NAP087-NAP0496 The Retreat from Russia Pre-Order (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Dec 8, 2007
We are extremely pleased to present the latest sub-range to our Napoleon's Europe product line, the Retreat from Russia! As you all know, we have extensively covered the Battle of Borodino (and will continue to do so!), but we decided it was time to take off the full dress uniforms and do our rendition of what Napoleon's Grande Armee would have appeared like on the horrific retreat from Moscow during the winter of 1812/1813. We call this a sub-range rather than just a normal series of releases, as our plan is to do extensive coverage of the Retreat including the pursuing Russians as well. We will not only create a variety of figures and vignettes that capture the harsh conditions of a 19th century army retreating from the vastness Russia, but we will also create figures in battle most notably at the Battle of Berezina. The first figures are very flexible in use, but were inspired by Marshal Ney's escape from Krasnoe. The Russians had blocked his path of retreat and the French army had given him up for lost, but the indomitable Marshal Ney made good his escape against insurmountable odds. These figures will allow for wonderful dioramas that tell both the sad and heroic stories of Napoleon’s Retreat from Russia, arguably his worst and finest hours simultaneously. With these figures we've tried to capture how the soldier's in the army would have appeared, dress in a mix of regulation items and items picked up on their march. We are proud to say that these are easily among the finest figures we've ever produced from a sculpting and painting perspective and we will continue to expand this sub-range over the coming months. We sincerely hope you enjoy the new range as much as we've enjoyed creating it!

NAP0487 Marshal Michel Ney - III Corps $69.95
NAP0488 French Officer ADC - 11th Hussars $74.95
NAP0489 French Standard Bearer - 4th Line Infantry $69.95
NAP0490 French Fusilier Charging - 4th Line Infantry $64.95
NAP0491 French Fusilier Firing - 18th Line Infantry $69.95
NAP0492 French Officer and Grenadier NCO Vignette - 18th Line Infantry $134.95
NAP0493 French Grenadier - 4th Line Infantry $64.95
NAP0494 Polish Fusilier Trudging with Birch Walking Stick - 12th Line Infantry $74.95
NAP0495 Wurttemberg Fusilier with Booty - 4th Wurttemberg Line Infanty $69.95
NAP0496 French Dismounted Lancer Officer Kneeling $64.95
Shipping Early June
























NAP0494 (My favorite figure we've ever made!)









Hope you enjoy them and that all of you in the USA are enjoying the Memorial Day holiday!


First Legion
Love the weathered and clothing in the new Naps, the torn, ripped battle look are spectacular...Sammy
Really love these and I can can imagine these are going to look great but just a little disappointed no models added to the Waterloo range on such a special anniversary but I under stand I cannot just expect my collection to be added to , but these are very nice great movement and detail
I volunteer the following vignette with which Constantine won the silver medal at the Herzog von Bayern show last week. I think it shows a very nice combination of these new figures:

I volunteer the following vignette with which Constantine won the silver medal at the Herzog von Bayern show last week. I think it shows a very nice combination of these new figures:

The colours in your diorama look so much better than what's been shown in the individual figures, and I do like seeing soldiers 'on campaign' rather that on the parade ground.

I have the whole 30+ figures from Tradition of London, but these are VERY tempting :)

Looking forward to the additions of this range, especially the Russian attackers.

The colours in your diorama look so much better than what's been shown in the individual figures, and I do like seeing soldiers 'on campaign' rather that on the parade ground.

I have the whole 30+ figures from Tradition of London, but these are VERY tempting :)

Looking forward to the additions of this range, especially the Russian attackers.


Hi, John,

Glad the figures are at least tempting to you. A couple of comments.....

1. The figures in the diorama (which is my partner Constantine's) were photographed at a different time and place and the image is a much darker.
2. The figures in the diorama are true Russian High Level figures and are about $160-$200 each, so you're looking at what is close to a $700-$800 diorama for four figures. If you prefer that, no problem, let us know. :)
3. At $65-75 each, the production figures are a much better value! Really, these production figures are *almost* as good as the Russian high level originals and if the images were a bit darker, really you wouldn't be able to tell the difference unless you held both in your hands and even then it would be pretty difficult.


What Matt said. I have commissioned figures and they are a different kind of animal. The prices Matt quotes are actually at the low end in my experience. In short: unless there are no financial limitations to your collecting, you are better served with the commercial figures when putting a scene together.
2. The figures in the diorama are true Russian High Level figures and are about $160-$200 each, so you're looking at what is close to a $700-$800 diorama for four figures. If you prefer that, no problem, let us know. :)
3. At $65-75 each, the production figures are a much better value! Really, these production figures are *almost* as good as the Russian high level originals and if the images were a bit darker, really you wouldn't be able to tell the difference unless you held both in your hands and even then it would be pretty difficult.
That's the point. Anyway these new figures (FL figures I mean) look GREAT on photos, and we all know (at least these from us who are really collecting them) that FL figures are even better in reality then on photos.
Not something I would purchase at this time but they are indeed very tempting.....Fantastic detail....just would not fit in with my current FL NAPS.
I received three of the new Retreat figures; Ney, the flag bearer, and the charging fusilier. All are first class. My favorite is the flag bearer.

Looking forward to having the sled. :smile2:

King's Man

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