Napoleon breaks camp! (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Nov 3, 2005
Napoleon gathers his marshals and generals to go over some last minute plans as his troops break camp and set out on the days march.









That's a great looking diorama! Love it:) absolutely beautiful sets of figures you have , I'm jealous :eek::D:D:D
Beautiful dio .. very well coordinated mix from different manufacturers. Real colorful scene .. perhaps need a touch more of the marching Guards. :)

Thank you for sharing.

What a treat! Great pics! Thanks, Tim. Glad to see you are not afraid to pull appropriate pieces from other ranges. It works.
Cool stuff. Great distribution of figures across different focus points!
It's always such a great pleasure seeing the results of your play time Tim. It's another outstanding job in showing how well various figures from a multitude of sources can and do blend very well together. By the way did the Little Princess help you in setting it all up. Thanks for the time taken in putting it all together and sharing it with us.
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Spectacular! You've recreated the look of breaking camp before dawn as well.

I love Cantinieres! You have two!

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Fantastic diorama and collection on display here!!!:D:D i've enjoyed your photos and i must congratulate you, great work and thankyou for posting:D.

Best wishes Mark
Thanks guys!!! I picked up a few more of those marching Britains figures from a fellow forum member at a real good price and pulled out the rest of them that I already had packed away to see how many I had now??? and set them up on the table and figured while I had them all out I,d throw together some kind of diorama. I wasn,t sure who I wanted to drag out for them to be marching against so I thought how about a camp scene.
Beautiful dio .. very well coordinated mix from different manufacturers. Real colorful scene .. perhaps need a touch more of the marching Guards. :)

Thank you for sharing.


I know. I,m lacking in guard figures.:( I only have one of each pretty much with a couple of doubles, I can only afford so many.:( And the Metal funds are pretty much all dried up these days now with the new house and slow work. I,m pretty much back to plastics for the most part.
I almost gave up on putting these guys in but then I thought these are the early birds out of bed that morning and the grumblers like to sleep in late and are always lagging behind the rest of the army.:p There off to wake up the rest of the troops!:cool:
It's always such a great pleasure seeing the results of your play time Tim. It's another outstanding job in showing how well various figures from a multitude of sources can and do blend very well together. By the way did the Little Princess help you in setting it all up. Thanks for the time taken in putting it all together and sharing it with us.

Thanks Joe! No the little princess didn,t help this time around. She,s punished for giving us a hard time going to sleep on school nights.:( Mom let her watch a rated-R horror movie and now the boggie man is in her room at night.:eek::rolleyes:
Spectacular! You've recreated the look of breaking camp before dawn as well.

I love Cantinieres! You have two!


Yea Scott those are the only 2 I have. One is K&C and the other is from the Del Prado collection.
Great work Tim, love the low angle shots of the troops marching along, also like the way you've mixed in afew different manufacturers as well.

The ground work is well done too, nice job all around.

Now get cracking on the French attack on the great redoubt at Borodino or the attack into the graveyard at Eylau..................

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