Napoleon III and Eugenie (2 Viewers)


Sep 10, 2008
This proposed pairing is taken from two sources - the Empress Eugenie was part of a le Cimier pairing but I had accidentally destroyed the Napoleon III figure. A recent acquisition of a Mokarex Napoleon III has allowed me to create a pairing. However the Napoleon III figure is a little flat when seen from the sides and I plan to build up the figure from the back.

Her dress is lovely. Best of luck on the pair- they are one of my favorite royal pairings, as far as aesthetics go.
Hello Sandor,

Thanks for your comments. The Eugenie figure is well-proportioned, so hopefully a decent repaint will spruce it up. My focus so far is on the Mokarex Napoleon III figure. I like the face and general proportions. I only think that the figure looks too thin when viewed from the side. I also think that I can pick out the soft details on the plastic figure to make it more interesting when paired up with the Eugenie figure.

I removed the arms to work on the torso. the turnbacks were filed away. The torso and upper trousers were built up with putty. The arms were reattached and Historex spare turnbacks were epoxied onto the figure. The sash was widened and the epaulettes are being sculpted. I think that I will reposition the right hand at the shoulder. Unfortunately, I don't have any details on the turnbacks but only know that he was in the uniform of a brigadier general for this pose. In the absence of further details, I will just paint some basic gold embroidery.

Rgds Victor

Nap a.jpgNap b.jpgNap c.jpgnap d.jpgnap e.jpg
I posted a query for some uniform details on "the other figure forum" and got some very helpful reference pics which I would like to share here.

Rgds Victor

L'Etat Major de la'arme de Napoleon III0001.jpgL'Etat Major de la'arme de Napoleon III0002.jpgL'Etat Major de la'arme de Napoleon III0003.jpg
Hello Martin,

You do get around, don't you...:)? Roger Newsome, who kindly shared the uniform details, is a fount of pictorial stuff.

I readjusted the right hand to fit better to the shoulder and sculpted in eapulettes. The coattails were made fuller and turnbacks were then sculpted. When hardened, these were filed down. Buttons were added. I snipped off the base and am rebuilding the shoes.

Hello Martin,

You do get around, don't you...:)? Roger Newsome, who kindly shared the uniform details, is a fount of pictorial stuff.

I readjusted the right hand to fit better to the shoulder and sculpted in eapulettes. The coattails were made fuller and turnbacks were then sculpted. When hardened, these were filed down. Buttons were added. I snipped off the base and am rebuilding the shoes.

View attachment 175916

Yess Roger always seems to have French stuff! :) I'm all in favour of sharing info, and that's a good site for it.

Hello All,

Finally completed sculpting this piece for painting. The hair was sculpted, epaulettes with fringe added, waist bow and sash ends added and eagle ornaments added to the turnbacks. The shoes and heels were built up and then filed to make the figure free standing.

More pics of WIP. The figure was sanded down here and there and some bulk was added to the upper trouser thighs. The hands were built up (not shown) and the figure is ready for painting.

I've painted most of Napoleon III. Final details including the sword scabbard will be added later. I am now repainting Eugenie.

I completed the painting on Eugenie. A sword scabbard was made for Napoleon III. Both figures were mounted on a Le Cimier base. This piece is finished. I think that this combination works well, provided that there has to be some additional work to make the pieces compatible.

Rgds Victor

That is stunning. One of your best yet. What additional work were you thinking of?
Beautiful work Victor, the dress is beautiful! :salute::

Hello Ray,

Again thanks for your very nice comments. The dress was partly based on this painting by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres.

Rgds Victor

That is stunning. One of your best yet. What additional work were you thinking of?

Hello Sandor,

Pieces taken from two different sources would normally differ in the sculpting style, even when apparently sculpted to the same scale.

When I acquired the LeCimier couple many years ago, I really disliked the Emperor figure and contrived to misplace it, painting only the Empress figure.

More recently, a very good friend gave me quite a sizeable collection of Mokarex/Café Storme figures which included a Napoleon III figure. This seemed to match the LeCimier Empress and hence, I decided to pair them up. However, this entailed reworking the undersized Napoleon figure to match the build of the Empress figure.

The LeCimier figure was moulded in several parts. When assembled, the figure looks hefty. The Mokarex figure is a single flattened piece casting, with no undercuts. Hence the reworking to bulk up the figure, and addition of accessories such as tailcoats, a sash with undercuts, creates the impression of a heftier piece.

Both pieces had to be repainted, to match the tonality of the colours used.

Rgds Victor

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