Napoleon1er Update (2 Viewers)


2nd Lieutenant
Oct 11, 2010
Gentlemen and... more gentlemen{sm4},
As some of you may know, I just finished leadership detail at my school, becoming 2nd Lt. Deputy Provost Marshal. As promised, I will include some pictures (I am the guy wit the red band on his cover and the black and red arm band for provosts). On another note, some of you have no doubt noticed that I rarely post anymore. I am simply very tired of all the bickering that goes on, and miss opening the forum, and finding lots of great dioramas and interesting chats. I have still been commenting on those exceptional dioramas, but I often find myself having written a post, and then clicking cancel because I just don't think it's worth saying. When I get home, I'll see if I can't spice things up a bit with the Durbar diorama I am working on. On one last note, I recently found a large multi-era parade diorama in a dusty corer of my school. I will see if I can get permission to restore and catalog it.



Well done! You're moving up in the world!

I'd be very interested to see photos of that parade dio!
Tough day in the barracks{sm2}! Yesterday night, some plebe ran away, then chaos broke loose at 2330 when someone thought a second guy ran. Tonight, things were simply crazy- fights between companies, yelling, the TAC officer overwhelmed{sm0}- the Bat. CO being incompetent.... Ahh, good times!

The whole thing made TF debates look almost civilized{sm4}!

Good night Gentlemen-
Looking good, Sandor!:smile2: It was nice meeting you in Gettysburg, and also would love to see the parade diorama.
Sorry, just a bit confused.... When did we meet in Gettysburg? Was it it the Tarbox?

I don't remember if it was Gettysburg, or one of the other East Coast Shows, but you were helping Nick out with his tables if I remember correctly. I was either with Tom Dubel, or my son, or both.
I don't remember if it was Gettysburg, or one of the other East Coast Shows, but you were helping Nick out with his tables if I remember correctly. I was either with Tom Dubel, or my son, or both.

Ah, I remember! It was at Valley Forge, and you were with Tom- I bought something from him there.
Ah, I remember! It was at Valley Forge, and you were with Tom- I bought something from him there.

Sorry about the mix up . . . the shows kind of run together, but remembering meeting and making new friends is the important part.:smile2:
Hard day- I am a school MP, and I found a picture of a high ranking officer (in the college) engaging in "bad" behavior. After a day of conflict over hat to do with it, I turned it in anonymously. Then, he got someone to ask me if I had done it, and of course I couldn't lie{sm2}. Sometimes it just seems like the world encourages lying, cheating, drugs, and laziness:(.

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