Napoleonic British 44th Foot (1 Viewer)


First Sergeant
Mar 24, 2008
Some nice looking Napoleonic sets on the way Brits this time around...Wounded drummer looks good!
The covers on the shako's look ok but would prefer them with out...Im a bit like that with the Scots Greys they allways just look better without the covers.

What do you guys think?
Any Naps are a welcome sight for me! I agree about the oil skins, while I realize they are a realistic and necessary feature I do prefer figures without them. In either case I will certainly be adding these great looking figures to my sets!
Yeah totally agree the oilskins are a bit less eye cathing than shako but still great figures!^&grin

I have the whole set on pre order here at Treefrog, first time I have pre ordered an entire release so call me a fan :) They look great.
I have the whole set on pre order here at Treefrog, first time I have pre ordered an entire release so call me a fan :) They look great.

Hi and best wishes to you all,

It is the first time I have seen these as painted pieces so many thanks for posting.
I can only say I had a lot of enjoyment sculpting these :) :)
Many thanks for the nice comments and I hope you enjoy them
All the very best
now back to the bench :)
Hi and best wishes to you all,

It is the first time I have seen these as painted pieces so many thanks for posting.
I can only say I had a lot of enjoyment sculpting these :) :)
Many thanks for the nice comments and I hope you enjoy them
All the very best
now back to the bench :)

Congratulations on your excellent work. I wish you the best for the next generation.
Hi and best wishes to you all,

It is the first time I have seen these as painted pieces so many thanks for posting.
I can only say I had a lot of enjoyment sculpting these :) :)
Many thanks for the nice comments and I hope you enjoy them
All the very best
now back to the bench :)

They are great mate especially like the officer with regimental colour and sword held high! More wounded/ lying dead figures would be great as these are great to fill t

he spaces in battles with, btw loved the dead British horse! Really adds to the realism of battle, what about a dead French horse with officer unpinning himself from under it ?

It's nice to have a sculptor on here! What else have you done so far for Britains? Will you be the new primary sculptor for Napoleonics? If so, no complaints on my front- these are TOP NOTCH figures! I especially love the drummer, NCO, and the general way in which these figures capture the not-too-flashy look of British line troops. They have a certain down and dirty look that not many others do.
-Sandor :salute::
Hi and thank you very much,
I have been with WB for just over a year now and my introduction were the WW1 Germans.
I really do feel fortunate to be given this opportunity and enjoy it immensely.
Of course I am working on several pieces now, although I certainly cannot say I am the primary Napoleonic sculptor as generally I sculpt as requested by the General Manger, Richard and now of course Ken.
That said I really enjoy doing these and it is an era of great interest to me and I do hope I get the opportunity to do more :smile2::smile2::smile2:
I truly admire the work of Ken and Alan and I am loving being part of the team
My very best wishes
They are great mate especially like the officer with regimental colour and sword held high! More wounded/ lying dead figures would be great as these are great to fill t

he spaces in battles with, btw loved the dead British horse! Really adds to the realism of battle, what about a dead French horse with officer unpinning himself from under it ?


Totally agree mate.
This is a very nice release and I actually like the realism of the oilskin covers over the Shakos.^&cool
More wounded and just more poses to go with these "in-square" poses. Love the drummer and the colour bearers.
I will be buying all of these but I don't particularly want to buy too many multiples of the same pose.
It's always difficult when you are trying to create a diorama of an infantry square. You need so many figures but you don't want to have too many identical figures. So more poses in this release please.^&grin

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