Napoleonic musseum site (2 Viewers)

Having been exposed to the world in my former life (20 years in the USN and visiting 37 countries), I sometimes daydream that I have retired in Italy or Spain or somewhere in southeast Asia. I dream about having the opportunity to really know some of these wonderful places in the world. Then, reality rears its ugly head and my phone rings or I get an email and I have to go back to the mundane things of life, like jobs, family, etc.

I found, for me, that to really get to know a country, I would leave the big tourist sites alone, I would visit them to get your bearings and then strike off into the real country. I wonder just how big this museum is and where it's at, I can't read French (another disappointment to my mother when I failed French in Jr. High School, but that's another story). Maybe if I had retired in Spain...oh well, if a frog had wings....

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