Napoleonic Reinforcements 2006 (1 Viewer)

Old Guard

Jul 6, 2005
It may seem an odd time to ask people what Napoleonic reinforcements they want for next year. However with the production lead time that Andy probably has now is the right time for us Napoleonic collectors to contribute our two cents worth. So with no further ado here is what I would love to see:

1. I would love to see some Old Guard Pioneers to go with the Old Guard soldiers I will pick up once they are released.

2. I have always had a soft spot for the Polish Vistula Legion. Cavalry and infantry that always seemed to cause problems for the British. These boys kicked butt all over the Peninsular.

3. The Irish Legion. One of the best uniforms and a tough unit to boot. I loved how they refused to surrender their eagle and how they got ride of it.

4. Polish Lancers. You can just can never go wrong with the best light cavalry in the world. I would of course love to see the Red Lancers come out too.

5. For the British side the word I heard is that the Kings German Legion cavalry is coming out this year. If that is the case then I think some good supporting infantry is in order for next year.

6. Some British Royal Horse Artillery always adds a sense of style to any battlefield

7. Rockets. I know they did not do much in battle but make a loud noise but they always look so cool.

Well that is my two cents for what it is worth. Let me know what you think. I sm off on vacation for a couple of days and will look forward to seeing what everybody else think when I get back.

Viva la Emperor
New Napoleonic Reinforcements I would like to see:

More new figures to continue and improve on the regiments already started.


Soldiers getting wounded or lying dead.
Kneeling holding his musket, with bayonet attached, to repel the oncoming French cavalry.
Standing and kneeling loading.

New French Infantry

Sets of four figures each. Each set would show four soldiers in the same order of arms or postion, but each figure would be dressed differently. While all are in the same regiment one igure would say have on a shako cover or one would be wearing a off duty cap. Each figure would have it's own's mannerisms, but not too much, maybe even just looking another way. This would allow the collectors to buy several of the sets to build a convincing looking line of attacking or standing French infantry. One excellent set would be of four french infantryman in a line of battle getting blown away by a cannon shot. New Officers and sergeants would also be neccesary to complete the scene.

New figures for Napoleon's grouping

A new mounted Marshal.
A new mounted and/or dismounted Chasseur of the Guard.
Trumpeter of the Chasseur of the Guard
I would like to see british 95th rifles(green uniforms and their green stove pipe hats) as well as 27th foot and a british artillery set and some british calvary!!!

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I know it does not fit with this sort of waterloo-series, but I would like to see these:

- Russian Guard Infantry, with cannons and cossacks.
- Prussian guard and Freiwilligerskorps, led by Blucher.
- Austrian Line infantry and Landwehr, Currassiers and artillery.
-even more diorama pieces.
- The French.
I agree with Joey and would also like to see K&C eventually do some troops of the other nations involved in the Napoleonic Wars. Some of the most famous battles of that period did not involve the British at all, but pitted the French Empire against Austria and Russia.

I can think of only one other company making matt finished Napoleonic figures other than French and British, and their product is a sad comparison to the fine soldiers made by K&C. I hope Andy will someday fill this void and give us some Austrian and Russian grenadiers, cuirassiers, etc. Thanks.
I agree as well but I don't think there is enough variety of the british or french to venture off into foreign nations just yet...but agree many other nations took part and would love to see some such as germany, russia, poland, austria!!!

Instead of my suggesting new particulars regiment, I just hope that what ever Andy decides to produce he does it in enough depth to make up a decent display.

What King and Country does best is make toy soldiers that allow the collectors to tell a story. If we are always starting new regiments the stories being told will have to be short ones without depth. It's very challenging to show a Black Watch Square repelling a charge from French Dragoons without many different supporting poses and figures of different ranks. The biggest pose which I feel is lacking is wounded or dead soldiers. Officers on foot who are in the action are also lacking.

I've been very happy with Andy's Napoleonics so far and am just happy to see so many new figures coming out. I always fear the WW II stuff may someday totally take over.

King's Man
What are Napoleonics?

LOL I'm just kidding a little inter-series collecting humor...WWII RULES! :D
I have a pretty large collection of WWII stuff, over 300 sets, and I love to collect them. But, when you look at the great Napoleonic sets and the way they look just so darn cool, I am starting to collect both. I just wish that I had more money than my dreams.

Can any of you Napoleon collectors tell me if there are any plans to retire any of the sets (NA1 to NA12). I am just getting started and if I want to collect a square of various types, well I am afraid that K&C would stop production just as I get half-way done.
Sceic2, wow I am impressed by your WWII collection. 300 sets you must be able to have whole battle shown with that many soldiers. To answer your question though N1 through N24 were all released in 2003 around May. As I am sure you know K&C usually looks at retiring a set at about 2 years or when it sells around 1000 sets. I have no hard information but I do think that the clock is ticking. I would welcome input from anybody who knows for sure.

King’s Man, I do agree with you that one of the great things about K&C is they give you enough figures to tell a story. So I am hoping that there are enough figures done to display the 71st, Black Watch, 3rd Line, Old Guard and Empress Dragoon correctly. Eventfully though it would be nice to do some Austrians or Prussians or Russians. My experience has been that most companies focus on the French and British and don’t do anybody else. It would be a nice change of pace to do some other enemies and allies. After all Napoleon fought more battles against the Austrians then anybody else.

One question from me is has anybody heard when the Farmhouse is coming out? I can’t draw a straight line with a ruler so I buy pre-built stuff to display my soldiers with. I would like a building to add to my Napoleonic display.

It is nice to hear back from more people about what you want for reinforcements. Some very good ideas out there. Well remember the Emperor is always watching and hopefully Andy is too.

Viva la Emperor

Old Guard
I also agree that it would be great to get some napoleonic dead soldiers or wounded, falling or dieing soldiers such as the two dragoons where their horses are falling. How many is a good number for a regiment without getting silly or too big, so far 8-16??

I have the Formtech (FTCTS771) Battle of Waterloo: Hougomont Farm House on my WWII diorama. I think it looks good there but when I start on the Napoleonics, I intend to move it. The thing is very well made but I did have to carve some excess material from the edges to make all the walls fit properly and have the roofs fit to the walls. What do you think of this diorama piece? Is it the same as you are referring to in your last post?
Sceic2, the European farmhouse I am talking about is one that Andy posted would be brought out by K&C by the end of the year. He said it would be perfect for Napoleonic and WWII.

Your Formtech piece sounds very nice. Does the scale work well with K&C? Also do you have any pictures you can post? I don’t have a diorama up yet and am always looking for good ideas and pieces.

Old Guard
Old Guard, can you direct me to a picture of the K&C building. I have not seen it and would love to get one, even sight unseen (Andy should love that). But in answer to your question. Yeah, I know that there have been problems with marketing issues between K&C and Michigan Toy Soldier, but they still have a wide range of accessories that I have found in one place. So, not trying to advertise, this is how I found it. Go to, click on the "Scenic, Diorama and Display Items" (on the home page; on left side menu; third from the bottom). Under the "Finished Scenic and Diorama Products 1:35, 1:32 / 54mm Scale" (Section), click on "Form Tech" (link), and look for CTS / Form Tech (grouping toward the middle of the page), and the farm is the first entry – FTCTS771. It does work with K&C well, and as I mentioned, I will be moving it to my Napoleonic groupings. Hope this helps.
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Sciec2, wow the Hougomont Farm House looks great! I bet it will look wonderful with your K&C Napoleonic diorama. Once you have done transplanting it post or send a picture if you would. I certainly am getting a few ideas of what I should do with my display.

As far as a picture of the K&C farmhouse is concerned I am afraid I have not found any pictures as of yet. Andy and some of the dealers newsletters have mentioned that it will be out by the end of the year but that is all the information that I know of right now. If I find a picture I will let you know.

Old Guard

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