Napoleonic Wish List for 2020 (1 Viewer)

I hope so. I don't understand why Waterloo enthusiasts wouldn't also be Peninsular war enthusiasts but I'm sure there are lots of reasons beyond me...I'm biased because it's my area of interest. I'm not a rivet counter so I often use a variety of figures—realistically the soldiers would've looked nothing like the idealised but beautiful toy soldiers after some time on campaign. I'm re-reading Douglas's memoirs of the Peninsular and the amounts of times they are neck deep in mud I can only imagine the states of the uniforms, dye running, lost clothing replaced by whatever they could lay their hands on, lack of shoes and so on.

That being said, it would be great to see line infantry wearing the regular pre 1812 pattern shako plate. If I really dream I'd hope for all sorts of 'obscure' items, Portuguese, civilians, more mounted dragoons, and personalities. Crawfurd, Picton, Massena. Then again if these were all produced I'd also be bankrupt. It's an addiction.

Some Sharpe characters would be fantastic too! Obadiah, Loup, chosen me, Sharpe and Harper. K&C have done such a good job with other film and TV characters

I seem to remember Andy mentioning a while ago that some Sharpe figures were in the works, although I might be mistaken.


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