Napoleonics Cavalry suggestions? (1 Viewer)


Private 2
Jul 6, 2010
I'm after recommendations for Napoleonics cavalry. I don't consider myself to be a Naps collector (yet?). I do have RHA but only because I'm ex-RHA myself but what I'm thinking I'd like is a cavalry line up.* I'm after a set that shows cavalry on the charge. I'm not really fussed about the nationality - I would prefer British - but what I really want to capture is the dramatic look of a charge.

What line would people recommend? How many figures am I going to need, minimum? (Am I going to find myself getting an infantry line for them to charge against!!) Ideally I'd like to get into a non-retired set that will give me a chance to collect over the next .... year.* Also, I guess it doesn't have to be King & Country (my RHA set notwithstanding), and would welcome constructive suggestions about other makes (currently I have K&C, TG, First Legion and Conte).
Hi Oozlum,

You can look at my TF album to see the cavalry line up I have. The vast majority is K&C but I have also CS (Polish Lancers). It's difficult to tell you how many you need since it depends of the dio you want to put together and cost you are willing to pay...Good luck...:salute::
I'm after recommendations for Napoleonics cavalry. I don't consider myself to be a Naps collector (yet?). I do have RHA but only because I'm ex-RHA myself but what I'm thinking I'd like is a cavalry line up.* I'm after a set that shows cavalry on the charge. I'm not really fussed about the nationality - I would prefer British - but what I really want to capture is the dramatic look of a charge.

What line would people recommend? How many figures am I going to need, minimum? (Am I going to find myself getting an infantry line for them to charge against!!) Ideally I'd like to get into a non-retired set that will give me a chance to collect over the next .... year.* Also, I guess it doesn't have to be King & Country (my RHA set notwithstanding), and would welcome constructive suggestions about other makes (currently I have K&C, TG, First Legion and Conte).

The K&C Red Lancers which are going to be retired have 4 in action poses that can be used in a charge against the RHA - a la Charge of the Red Lancers against Mercer's RHA in Chris Collingwood's painting. I like the trumpeter's uniform and the nice detail of the trumpet banner, so I will include it just behind the rest of the charging troopers :cool:

The K&C Cuiraissiers have some action poses which are not exactly charging but are quite interesting. These can be used attacking against a K&C British 2nd Guards Coldstream infantry line or square.

I think TG will have Naps soon. Going by the WW2 releases, they seem to go reasonably well with K&C in terms of scale and overall look. Will wait for their expected Mar/Apr releases to see. I expect pricing not to be higher than K&C.

FL has good French cavalry charging. Their Naps offering seems currently the most comprehensive - so you will have no problem finding suitable cavalry or infantry. It costs more and will not go well with K&C in terms of scale. The sculpting and painting looks different from K&C. I have yet to find any other manufacturer that is compatible with FL in terms of scale and look - so no mixing and matching on that front.

Number of figures really depend on your budget and scale of your diorama you want to depict.

Just my 2 cents.
Hi Oozlum

Welcome to Treefrog .. and a potential NAP collector.

Since you posted here and since I only have K&C cavalry pieces ... I will comment on K&C pieces. IMHO, their best cavalry pieces are the Confederate cavalry followed by the Australian Lighthorse. Both ranges are relatively new, offer realistic "action" poses that interact well between the individual pieces.

However, if its NAP cavalry that you are looking for .. I can perhaps suggest the Scots Grey. Released in 2006 and reinforced since then, most of the range, 9 out of the 10 pieces are still available. With only the casualty piece having been retired, this is testament to its popularity amongst K&C NAP collectors.

All currently remaining 9 poses .. show the Scots Grey charging .. which I believe is what you are seeking. The "centepiece" of the range would be the Sgt Evertt vignett with 2 French Grenadiers defending. A caution for you here, is that the bulk of the Greys have been released for nearly 5 years and may likely be retired soon.

The other "attacking" NAP cavalry still available would be the French Cuirassiers. 11 mounted and 2 dismounted pieces were released in 2007, but 5 mounted & 1 dismounted pieces have since been retired. IMO, the 6 charging/rearing mounted pieces still available offer a less creditable "charging" scene than 9 Greys.

Hope this helps.

I do have RHA but only because I'm ex-RHA myself but what I'm thinking I'd like is a cavalry line up)


great to hear from a fellow gunner that wants to depict gunners mowing down cavalry :) :)

I have K&C Curiassiers, Lancers in charging pose, and missed out on the dragoons as I wasn't collecting K&C then, much to my sorrow now.

Maybe you will have to goto the otehr makers, or just wait a while, who knows aht else will arrive? At least we have the RHA covered very nicely with a couple of sets, but now we need the RA :)



"Artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl."

Thanks John, I agree - there can never be too much artillery, doing what artillery is mean't to do! :)

Yes, it'll be interesting to see if a new line arrives this year - perhaps I'll wait, if I can summon the patience...
What I would like is a RHA 12-pdr rocket team. And 5.5-in howitzer. :cool:
Duelist is indeed a good film, if something of an aquired taste :smile2: And I'd appreciate a rocket team, having lived in several houses called 'Congreve' in my time.

Actually I'd love to see a screw gun or two (in action, and/or in transit). Not very Napoleonic though.
My hope is a return to POLISH LANCERS - we need more action troops for our dioramas - plus, it would be good to expand on that GREAT KCS figure he did !
Ron, My sense of the conversations from last year are that we will first see 8 or 9Brit Household Cav - my wish is Life Guards - filling into those missing 15 spots between NA-211 and 227, along with the completion of the Gordons. From there, the skies the limit. What exactly are you and others looking for in French infantry down the road? Are there any that distinguish themselves from the Grenadiers/FLI?

French Hussars

mounted figures charging

and dismounted figures, chatting causally, drinking, frolicking etc

lots of possibilities!
The HAT always makes the outfit - at least thats what the wife tells me ;)

What exactly are you and others looking for in French infantry down the road? Are there any that distinguish themselves from the Grenadiers/FLI?


K&C's voltigeur light infantry has long been retired. Time for new French light infantry .. may we then suggest the chasseur light infantry, with their near all blue uniform. :) please

K&C's voltigeur light infantry has long been retired. Time for new French light infantry .. may we then suggest the chasseur light infantry, with their near all blue uniform. :) please



I'd go for Light Infantry too .... they could then be a match for the Highland Light Infantry, the first set of K&C NAPs produced.

Center line companies/Fusiliers, maybe some in "great coats".....
The uniforms may be a little dull but this was the bulk of the French infantry and are desperately needed for any realistic diorama.

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