Need help building a castle (1 Viewer)

Oct 31, 2007
I need some instructions on how to build a wooden castle that does not look too childish, but is a large castle for 1/32nd scale. I need instructions and a list of materials, can someone help me out?
I followed your thread for sometime. I thought your first one looked okay. The shop teacher at school is going to build it for me, that is why I need it to be wood. I teach history and will use in my room, but I really want to use it for my display of the many medieval figures I have. Possibly, some 54mm gaming one day? Anyway, i would like it big, because I plan to add realistic scenery and paint to it as well. Thanks for your help. I may need to send you some desperate help messages in the future. Thanks,, Drew
I followed your thread for sometime. I thought your first one looked okay. The shop teacher at school is going to build it for me, that is why I need it to be wood. I teach history and will use in my room, but I really want to use it for my display of the many medieval figures I have. Possibly, some 54mm gaming one day? Anyway, i would like it big, because I plan to add realistic scenery and paint to it as well. Thanks for your help. I may need to send you some desperate help messages in the future. Thanks,, Drew

It's in my garage, you can have it, lol. :eek:

The shop teacher should have the right tools to make you a beautiful one.

I didn't.

There is a program, called Google Sketchup 7, it's a free download to draw 3 dimensional building.

Try and drawing up something in the scale you want for the builder might help.

Thanks, i may do that. I ahve been searching the internet for several days looking for some free directions and supply list to download, but no luck so far. Hopefully, something will turn up. I may just have to come up with it my self. Thanks, drew
Thanks, i may do that. I ahve been searching the internet for several days looking for some free directions and supply list to download, but no luck so far. Hopefully, something will turn up. I may just have to come up with it my self. Thanks, drew

Don't waste your time, nobody has done one in wood that looks nice.

I researched it for weeks until my google hurt. :eek:

Don't waste your time, nobody has done one in wood that looks nice.

I researched it for weeks until my google hurt. :eek:


Mike I think you would be very wrong in saying that no one has ever done one in wood that looked good! Here are a couple of photos of one I,ve seen in person that was incredible! I saw this one at the hobby bunker and also two others also made of wood from the same builder that looked just as good if not even better.




Thanks, i may do that. I ahve been searching the internet for several days looking for some free directions and supply list to download, but no luck so far. Hopefully, something will turn up. I may just have to come up with it my self. Thanks, drew

Yea Tim,

That is a beautiful castle, you're right. I love it.

What I meant to imply was in answering the question posed about that there were no plans on the internet to build a castle of wood.

I think Redsoldiercollector was looking for some plans and directions for constructing a castle made of wood, and believe me, I looked everywhere.

But that is a very nice wooden castle. Very very nice.

I had a website, of a guy that sold wooden castles, pretty affordable and pretty nice. It might have been you that sent it to me months ago. I'll try to find it and post it.

But again, I couldn't find any tutorials for download of "free directions and supply list" to download, like Red was asking for, and I don't think he will find any.

This is the link Tim, you might have sent it to me months ago.

These are wooden, 25-28mm.

Pretty affordable.

I spoke to the guy, he said he would do a 60mm custom for me and took $100 off his advertised price.

He covers the exterior in some type of plaster and it takes about 2 months to make.

But alas..........................still no free plans to download.:)

This is the link Tim, you might have sent it to me months ago.

These are wooden, 25-28mm.

Pretty affordable.

I spoke to the guy, he said he would do a 60mm custom for me and took $100 off his advertised price.

He covers the exterior in some type of plaster and it takes about 2 months to make.

But alas..........................still no free plans to download.:)


I was just about to post the same thing, the technique I know to get a more realistic surface is to use spackle or joint compound. Of course, it's best for reproducing a plastered/whitewashed surface, but then again, many of the castles and fortifications we see today that show bare stone walls actually were plastered over and whitewashed, when they were actively inhabited.

But I know that the spackle method is an old diorama builder tip; I picked it up from reading Shep Paine's inserts in my Monogram armor kits.

Yea Tim,

That is a beautiful castle, you're right. I love it.

What I meant to imply was in answering the question posed about that there were no plans on the internet to build a castle of wood.

I think Redsoldiercollector was looking for some plans and directions for constructing a castle made of wood, and believe me, I looked everywhere.

But that is a very nice wooden castle. Very very nice.

I had a website, of a guy that sold wooden castles, pretty affordable and pretty nice. It might have been you that sent it to me months ago. I'll try to find it and post it.

But again, I couldn't find any tutorials for download of "free directions and supply list" to download, like Red was asking for, and I don't think he will find any.


Mike I kinda knew what you meant, I was just bustin your chops and kinda figured you,d like to check out this fine piece of work.:cool:
I saw this one in person and it looks even better in person to say the least.
I also saw two other buildings from the same guy there a few months after this one and I liked them even more. They were large keep type buildings very similar to this wall section with mulitple floors and great looking removable roofs with flooring, stairs ect. the interiour was an incredible site!:cool:
Matt told me the guys builds these from plywood but didn,t know much more about the guys building process??? I,d love to watch this guy throw together one of these buildings, the detail is incredible.
Yea, look back at my wooden castle.

I tried a lot of products on the wood. From Celluclay, to cement, to grout but couldn't etch a realistic good stone out of it. Either too hard and brittle or too soft and rubbed off.

Look at this website.

Watch the video.

It didn't work for me.

The castle was made from styroprene, but I applied his technique to wood.

Everytime I touched it, some of the grout rubbed off.

There is a company that sells a self adhesive realistic sheet of painted brick.

All you do is adhere it on the wood.

If I can find the link, I will send it to you.

It seemed expensive and they only had two styles of adhesive bricks as I remember.

I'll try to find it and post it for you.

Mike I kinda knew what you meant, I was just bustin your chops and kinda figured you,d like to check out this fine piece of work.:cool:
I saw this one in person and it looks even better in person to say the least.
I also saw two other buildings from the same guy there a few months after this one and I liked them even more. They were large keep type buildings very similar to this wall section with mulitple floors and great looking removable roofs with flooring, stairs ect. the interiour was an incredible site!:cool:
Matt told me the guys builds these from plywood but didn,t know much more about the guys building process??? I,d love to watch this guy throw together one of these buildings, the detail is incredible.


You just make me mad when you show me where guys succeeded and I failed, haha.:D

That is a very sweet castle though. Great detail, the rust on the draw bridge chains, etc...

Did you notice the Avalon kits in the background?

Looks like some trial and error startovers to me. He must be a perfectionist, lol.

Good post Tim.


Heres one for you to try mike! Brick and stone from old egg cartons and drink trays??? Sounds interesting I came across this a couple of years back and never even thought or remembered to tell you about giving this one a try. looks like the results aren,t to bad either???
I really love this one!


That's a heck of a brick from an egg carton.

I'm impressed.

So, basically, YOU FAILED ME, :D:D:D

You secretly hid this info while I struggled huh?:rolleyes:

Just kidding you.

You're right though, the third one is a piece of art.


Yea, I stumbled on that link months ago.

I had bad dreams of $800 of my K&C's falling through the paper tower floors.

Heads were everywhere, every sword was bent, legs had fallen off.

It was a nightmare.:eek:

I'm castled out,

Don't need no more stinkin, f-------, castle links.


I wasn,t sure what he,s looking for??? I figured at least the web site might give him or someone else food for thought ideas? There is also a links page on there. The plans could be transfered into wood? And yes I agree a paper castle just dosn,t cut it for K&C figures,:eek: glad you opted not to go that route!:p
Although the paper floor would make for a great trap door!:eek::p

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