need help/ideas with next dio section (1 Viewer)


Oct 30, 2007
Hi all,

All right fellows I'm hitting a small perverbial wall here, I need some ideas,thoughts on the next sectional board (2 feet X 2 feet) of the Normandy dio, let me lay out the issue here and you can get a better idea.

So far the diorama consists of 3 sections, starting from left going right... 1st section is Farmhouse with Barn ( FL Germans hold that area) 2nd section going to the right is the hedgerows/bocage (First Legion Paras attacking germans through hedgerows now) 3rd section going to the right is my latest section with more open fields, outlining bocage, small house ruin/bunker, this section is for a USA buildup/convoy, (mostly vehicles of Figarti)

So that's where we sit, I would like the next section to be on the far left of the first section of farmhouse/barn, so it would be on the German held side of the dio, so if you have any ideas, please help out, at some point this dio will have a St. Mere Eglise church but as David mentioned there needs more seperation of sections first, anyway thanks for any help...Sammy
A German battery, a downed DC3 wreck in a small orchard maybe, the start of a transition from the barn being on the out skirts of town to a more of a inner town setting where a church could then be developed. Food for thought just depends what you would like to do.
A picture might help mate ??

Butchers??? does everything have to come with a picture?^&grin well butch the 3rd section is in the UK at the moment so a photo will not help until I get it here, so the best I can do is the exsplaination in the original post, come on mate, I know with all those dios you have built/created you can throw me a bone here:)...Sammy
I would have have the FL 150mm and primemover cammed up in a forest area in fire support,maybe a hay field in front a rear echlon area.
Hi There Sammy,

Normandy being as fluid as it was in the early phases I would consider an Artillery battery/gun being attacked by a mixed bag of 101 and 82 paratroopers. Doesn't need to be a big number of guys say half a dozen and a few German troops with maybe a supporting MG section. But the display sounds wicked and I look forward to photos.

Carentan10.jpg ooooooooooooooooooo.jpg here are two side by side pics of dio, as you can see the overview of the first 2 sections and the new 3rd section to it's right, the next section will need to go to the far left of farmhouse, so far some good ideas...Sammy


  • Carentan7.jpg
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I would have have the FL 150mm and primemover cammed up in a forest area in fire support,maybe a hay field in front a rear echlon area.

Hi Butch, I like having the 150MM gun in the bocage now as it's been captured by the Paras, but the idea of using the primemover in some sort of fashion is a good idea...Sammy
A German battery, a downed DC3 wreck in a small orchard maybe, the start of a transition from the barn being on the out skirts of town to a more of a inner town setting where a church could then be developed. Food for thought just depends what you would like to do.

Joe, I really like this idea of the orchard/downed plane and transitioning to more of the outskirts where I can plan for the church, great idea...Sammy
Hi There Sammy,

Normandy being as fluid as it was in the early phases I would consider an Artillery battery/gun being attacked by a mixed bag of 101 and 82 paratroopers. Doesn't need to be a big number of guys say half a dozen and a few German troops with maybe a supporting MG section. But the display sounds wicked and I look forward to photos.


Thanks for the idea Dave, as I have the MG team already and wouldn't be hard to put that scene together, might have to go looking for an 88!!!:)...Sammy
Mate i would have another building patially destroyed with you could have the mortar set there all some armour coming down the new road section.
Im not sure which Germans you are using SS or Stallingrad.
Mate i would have another building patially destroyed with you could have the mortar set there all some armour coming down the new road section.
Im not sure which Germans you are using SS or Stallingrad.

Hi Butch, using the SS and FJs at the moment, which have alot of battle poses going on, but I do like the idea of another ruin on the left side of the farmhouse, can't squeeze all my Germans into the farmhouse section:)...Sammy
Cobber what ever you decide i look forward to the finished result and its a nice dilemma to have.
IF you collected K&C (The true 1/30 scale figures ^&grin^&grin JOKE JOKE) you could have a destroyed building as a hospital............:salute::
Cobber what ever you decide i look forward to the finished result and its a nice dilemma to have.
IF you collected K&C (The true 1/30 scale figures ^&grin^&grin JOKE JOKE) you could have a destroyed building as a hospital............:salute::

Never say never mate:smile2::smile2: already have a wounded K&C German, truly a lovely figure^&grin...Sammy
Looking at the picture with the two tiles; where is the third tile going? Are they modular, ie, can you mix and match them?

If the third tile goes north of the one with the farmhouse on it, the fourth one would then go north of the bocage piece and if so, you'd need more bocage IMO to give it an even flow.

How large is your display area, ie, how many more tiles can you add to this?
I just looked at the third tile; it's got hedges to it's north and south with a road down the middle.

If you place it to the north or the south of the farm tile, the next tile that would go next to it would have to have a road down the middle to continue the road from the third tile and also have hedges to it's north and south to continue the hedges on the third tile if that makes sense.

Doing that would give the whole diorama a nice flow; the fifth tile east of the fourth one could be the beginning of the town that you talked about, with the sixth tile placed north of that one the continuation of the town including the church you talked about.

Now you're cooking with gas..................
Looking at the picture with the two tiles; where is the third tile going? Are they modular, ie, can you mix and match them?

If the third tile goes north of the one with the farmhouse on it, the fourth one would then go north of the bocage piece and if so, you'd need more bocage IMO to give it an even flow.

How large is your display area, ie, how many more tiles can you add to this?

Hi George, the 3rd tile will go directly to the right of the 1st and 2nd tile, as the road is continueous down the center of all 3 tiles, but I follow what you are saying and being I can move tiles around that could work as well.

as far as space no limit at the moment as I have a pretty good size toy soldier room (hate the word man cave) and as far as the tiles I would like to at least add 1 each year, possibly 2 if coins are flowing well enough:)...Sammy
Thanks for filling me in, that makes sense now as I can see the road down the middle through all three tiles.

As far as where do you go from here; from my perspective, when I create a diorama, I like to have action as the focal point. If you look at my most recent one, I've got Americans attacking from the left, the center and the right of the diorama with the Germans defending left to right.

I don't want to have a lot of "dead" areas if that makes sense with no action; if I created it with the Americans attacking to the right and the Germans defending to the left, they would be action in the middle but dead areas from the two opposite ends in if that makes sense.

You need to keep the action flowing while also keeping the diorama active, that is the tough part. You might want to go deeper instead of wider as the wider you go, the less action you can depict.

I hope this makes sense; in the end, your vision will carry the design through..........
Thanks for filling me in, that makes sense now as I can see the road down the middle through all three tiles.

As far as where do you go from here; from my perspective, when I create a diorama, I like to have action as the focal point. If you look at my most recent one, I've got Americans attacking from the left, the center and the right of the diorama with the Germans defending left to right.

I don't want to have a lot of "dead" areas if that makes sense with no action; if I created it with the Americans attacking to the right and the Germans defending to the left, they would be action in the middle but dead areas from the two opposite ends in if that makes sense.

You need to keep the action flowing while also keeping the diorama active, that is the tough part. You might want to go deeper instead of wider as the wider you go, the less action you can depict.

I hope this makes sense; in the end, your vision will carry the design through..........

Thanks George, I get your point of view as I'm trying to make sure all sections tie into together to create a larger diorama but make sense when looking at it, and keeping all sections involved so I do not have dead space, as this new section will be a nice buildup for the US forces but starting to think another section of just bocage/terrain/road to seperate the Paras fighting with the build up?? Martin (from UK) had a good idea as far as the German side was a field/road, burned out vehicle,farming eqiupment, tie that in with an downed plane off in the background?? then that leads into the next section of a church? glad to hear of all the ideas as it's really given me some new thoughts on how to go forward with this entire dio...Sammy

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