Needs, Wants and Suggestions (1 Viewer)

Last week on American Idol, when a singer forgot the words to her R&B song, judge Paula Abdul later said something like "don't worry about the audience, half of them don't know anything anyway."

It seems that quote could apply to toy soldier forums as well. :D

Answers on a postcard then :D
I wouldn't be a collector of toy soldiers if it were not for you and K&C.I don't know whether to blame you or to thank you but quite obviously many thanks to you and Gordon.
Just because i want some more 8th Army armour doesn't mean i and many others don't appreciate all you have provided.


NEEDS:- More staff
Wants:- At the moment 99flake!
suggestions:- Stop eating flakes and the mountain of Hershey Milk Dudds i bought from NY.........

Give you a good example everytime myself and andy speak (only today the last time) we talk about the Forum.

The balance is:- UK example we have 4000 active members and i am aware (as i say aware) of about 15 active and a couple of Guest watchers!! who are also K&C UK members. lets call it 20 forum members/guests thats 5% of our membership that come in here.

The average age is 45 of our membership (sorry Scott) and a good half of these DO NOT use computers..............SSSSsooooooo you can see if you take our part of the K&C cake it would be madness to do the Needs and wants of The forum let alone being the bigger K&C cake.

Does this make sence? i started writing and lost my thought process then.................ddddeeeeeeeeerrrrrrgh 'yes boss' ! What who where.

Long and short of it if Andy acted on comments in here then we will all be looking for other soldiers to collect as he will not be operating anymore. I can tell you though and those at the NY Symposium will confirm he does listen and take bit sfrom here and uses the forum as an essential part of market reasearch.


Tony, it's worse than you think! it's actually only 0.5% :eek:

Hi Guys,

No one, including me, could ever accuse the members of this forum of being short of ideas for new figures...fighting vehicles or directions for K&C to go in.

However, does anyone ever sit down, think seriously about how all of those hundreds of ideas could ever be produced by any one company never mind by three or four different companies?

The answer is...I don’t think so. Let’s just look at World War Two as an example. Guys like my good friend “CAPITOLRON” are screaming out for GI’s in North Africa...or failing that...the Italian Campaign. Other collectors such as our fellow forum member John Gambale want a list as long as your arm for additional 8th Army and Afrika Korps. Read the forum on any given day and you’ll get “needs, wants and suggestions” for more Eastern Front...Burma Campaign...Normandy...Bulge and quite a few others...

You begin to get the picture, right?

So, where does that put me and K&C...? Well, right in the middle of it all. We’re the ones who have to make the decisions...what battles, campaigns, figures, fighting vehicles and accessories should be designed, produced and delivered how, when and where. We’re also the guys who have the sales records and background on what sells quickly...what sells slowly and...very, very rarely what does not sell at all!

We gather all that intelligence...we analyze it and put together our strategic battle plan...

I’m happy to say we get it right more often than we get it wrong. But that’s because we try to use our head and not be diverted too far off our chosen path by the avalanche of “needs, wants and suggestions”.

Believe me I still read every one that pops up in the forum but also please remember Gordon, myself and the rest of our K&C creative team are not exactly bereft of ideas of our own.

To end on a positive note...there’s more than a few of your “needs, wants and suggestions” that are already in the pipeline for release in the coming don’t get too dispirited or...frustrated!

Best wishes to one and all and...happy collecting!

Andy C.


Keep on making what youre making, because Im going to keep on buying it.

Take Care
I think that alot of the wanting is from those collectors, that strictly collect from a certain theme. While if you don't have finances to collect say, 7 different lines, and you collect maybe just a couple of different series, you may be caught up on those lines, and then you are waiting for new releases, or getting on the board and expressing what you would like to see, because of sheer boredom of having nothing new to add to your collection. That is a dangerous time in a collector's life, because he/she will be tempted to start collecting a new series. I am very big on the American revolution, and I waited for a long time to get militia, and I am glad that K&C has made them. So it may be awhile for new stuff, since we just got a bunch of new rev war stuff. So, the dangerous time for this collector comes, shall I be patient, or should I throw a list together of what I would like to see be made, or be tempted by the photos of the new WW 1 series.
Jennifer Anniston did deliver my Hummel. At least that's who she said she was.


I think we all realise how lucky we are that we have Andy producing figures of such quality that we just let our imaginations run wild a bit.I for one really appreciate all the effort Andy and his team go to in releasing such an excellant product, and his judgement is 100% spot on in my humble opinion.


Andy - the work that you have done is wonderful and we appreciate all your endeavors.


Everyone has their favorite range to collect - unfortunately for me my has become my 6 favorite ranges...:eek: :eek: :eek:
For me its WW1/WW2/Crimean with every possibillity of Naps as well.Apart from all that i'm cutting back!!

Reading between the lines then, it's a dead cert that before the end of 2007, we'll see:

1. Huge release of additional EA / AK
2. Big Red One in NA
3. Big Red One in Siciliy, Crete AND Italy
4. 5 new regiments of Black Shirts (shirtless)
5. FJs in Normandy and NA and Crete
6. 88 in NA and Normandy. And Russian Front. And Fall of Berlin
7. A new range of Swoppit K&C Commandos
8. British and Canadian D-Day
9. SAS / LRDG Chevy / Jeeps etc.
10. A big red square of Brit Infantry to blast down those pesky Nap Cav
11. A dozen or so Warbird releases
And finally...
12. A partridge in a pear tree for the Christmas release

I'm not sure you're stretching yourself enough.

Of course I could have misunderstood and you could be saying
'enough with the lists already' :)


Simon - You missed off the Ariete division......LOL :D

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