Netflix series "Frontier" (1 Viewer)


Feb 12, 2008
I recently installed a ROKU stick on our TV and have been enjoying several Netflix TV series productions. Last week I finished watching the 3rd season of The Last Kingdom which was very well done. This week I discovered the series titled "Frontier" which is about the North American fur trade and the Hudson Bay Company in the post AWI 1700's. Three seasons are available; season one 2016, season two 2017, and season three 2018. I have already watched all six episodes in season one and three out of the six episodes in season two. Very well done. Takes place in the "north country" of Canada with Hudson Bay, James Bay, Fort James as backdrops with occasional scenes that take place in Montreal. Wonderful wilderness scenery. If you have an interest in the early fur trade you will like this series.

:smile2: Mike
I discovered the series about a year ago; we just finished watching the third season. Very entertaining. I'm not sure there will be a fourth, however.
I'm getting ready to watch episode 7,season 3 of "The Last Kingdom". Very well done IMO. I watched season 1 of Frontier and have to say I was disappointed.Reminded me of Knightfall in that it didn't have the feel of the period to me. Storylines too simplified,characters too one dimensional.
Just binge watched Narcos Mexico on Netflix and Frontier is the next show up. Are all 3 seasons only 6 episodes?
Just binge watched Narcos Mexico on Netflix and Frontier is the next show up. Are all 3 seasons only 6 episodes?

All three seasons of Frontier are only 6 episodes each. I only have S3 E6 left to watch and I'll do that sometime today.
:smile2: Mike

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