New Acquisitions - 44th Foot and French 3rd Lancers (1 Viewer)


Jul 11, 2009
44th Regt of Foot.JPGStarted to purchase and add Britain's 44th Regt. of Foot and Britain's past release of French 3rd Lancers to a small bookshelf diorama. I also sprinkled in a few Polish Lancers from Collector's Showcase to the scene. A few more clumps of grass and figures from the 44th will complete the edge of the square and scene.
Looks good.The poor 44th.They always seem to get in trouble.{eek3}^&grin
Received on my birthday more men of the 44th. Added them to the diorama, plus additional tall grass. Hope to acquire and add the next releases of the 44th coming out in the Fall 2014.

photo 1.JPGphoto 2.JPGphoto 3.JPG
Very nice dio. Where did you get the backdrop.


Got it from the Internet. Under Search, selected Images, and looked for e.g. Grass Fields. Once I get the image I like for my scene, I save it, then using Photoshop or Windows Paint, I reverse / flip the image, and save the reverse image using a different name. Then I print both images (original & reverse or flipped image) in Landscape, and tape together (on the backside), both printed images together. Hope this helps. Chuck

Got it from the Internet. Under Search, selected Images, and looked for e.g. Grass Fields. Once I get the image I like for my scene, I save it, then using Photoshop or Windows Paint, I reverse / flip the image, and save the reverse image using a different name. Then I print both images (original & reverse or flipped image) in Landscape, and tape together (on the backside), both printed images together. Hope this helps. Chuck

Hi Chuck,
Thanks for the tip. It looks really impressive and exactly what I'm looking for. I'll give it a try.

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