New AIP Information (1 Viewer)


Staff Sergeant
Dec 7, 2016
AIP is now offering their ACW siege guns and crews separately.

The guns in SYW colors are now available with crews. Most are the French Napoleonic guns, in various “national” colors, with AWI crews. The SYW British are just the AWI British with a new label.

In addition, the AWI gun and crew is available in green as Tories.

The WWI French are now available in dark blue plastic labeled Sengalese Tiralieurs.

I REALLY wish AIP would do some NEW figures,Short pant Fez Sudanese,WW1 Soft Cap British,WW1 Turks,WW1 Italians,WW1 Top Hat Belgians,1939 Poles,1940 Dutch.
I REALLY wish AIP would do some NEW figures,Short pant Fez Sudanese,WW1 Soft Cap British,WW1 Turks,WW1 Italians,WW1 Top Hat Belgians,1939 Poles,1940 Dutch.

Yes, the rebranding the oldsame ol' stuff is becoming tiresome, isn't it?
Armies in Plastic has run some old sets in new colors with new titles.

5906 American Revolution - State Artillery Companies. 3rd New York, 6th Virginia, 6th Maryland, Gray

5907 American Revolution - State Artillery Companies. 2nd Rhode Island, 2nd Connecticut, 1st Pennsylvania, Brown

5908 American Revolution - State Artillery Companies. 2nd New Hampshire, 8th Massachusetts, Light Blue

5909 World War 1 - Portuguese Army - Western Front, Dark Horizon Blue

The new AWI sets in Gray, Dark Brown and Light Blue contain the advertised 5 figure crew. All the older colors (Red, Dark Blue, Light Brown, White and Green) were always advertised as a 5 man crew but came with a sixth figure sponging the barrel. This sixth figure is not included int the sets produced in new colors.
Armies in Plastic has released set 5612 (1898 Spanish Army) in three new colors, each with a new set number and title.

5933 - Spanish Marine Infantry - 1898 - Dark Blue,
5934 - Spanish Civil Guard (Guardia Civil) - 1898 - Dark Khaki Brown
5935 - 1st Provisional Battalion of Puerto Rico - 1898 - Grey

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