new AK sets (1 Viewer)


Jul 29, 2005
The new AK sets are displayed right now in the K&C website. Unfortunately, it is still downloading very, very, very, very slow.

These pieces are real beauties. I just... can't..resist..ordering...:p

I've never liked the Afrika Korps, but I think that's going to change.
That serie is a great one if not the greatest.

The first set I bought was the Italian patrol and within two months all the others. It was started.

I just pre-ordered the AK29 and I highly recommend that you do the same, that item will be sold out fast.

I was at work today trying to download the K&C homepage and it took forever. We have a dedicated T1 line providing our DSL service. If you understand what a T1 line is, you will appreciate my comments about how really slow loading takes. DSL using a T1 line is like the difference between me running a mile and the speed of light. As far as I know, the only larger capability for DSL is a T3 line. But the new AK sets do look really good. Michael
They look really awesome (duh!). I'm wondering why the Greif is 750 -- not 500 such as WS 69 unless Andy has decided to expand the SLs to 1,000 but is not quite sure North Africa is as popular as Europe so therefore is "shortening" it to 750. Great vehicle I'm sure.
Those sets answer the question on the thread 'How do you improve the best': by doing this. They are incredible, all of them. Again, what a serie.


I was just wondering, how you found out the "Greif" set was set at a 750?

How can I find out about other production numbers, for sets Retired? ie AK 24, that one vanished once it was retired.
PanzerTruppen said:

I was just wondering, how you found out the "Greif" set was set at a 750?

How can I find out about other production numbers, for sets Retired? ie AK 24, that one vanished once it was retired.

It's on the K & C web site. Welcome aboard, by the way.
Hi PanzerTruppen,

Wellington is living in Ontario too, me in Québec. Who's your dealer? And what are you collecting?


First, thank-you. I am from Brantford, Ontario, Canada. I have been collecting K&C now for about a year. I just stumbled across them on Ebay, when I was looking to complete some childhood Britains Deetail Collection from late 70's... Some Japonese and Africa Korp pieces.
After seeing K&C on Ebay, I searched out their Internet site. I was really Impressed with all their newer style figures and vehicles. I decided after going back and back to their site I would order the Jagdpanther and see how it looked... Wow!! That was then, and this is now. I am a member of K&C and this forum to find out more about what's is going on in this Industry, especially Andy's replies.
I collect WW2 and Focus in on the Eastern Front, and Africa. I only have 25 sets right now. :( But have 7 sets on order. :) I jump at the Limited Edition sets. I have 2 AK 29 on order, but after viewing it, I'm increasing my order to 3...although my wife just read this so I may not be getting the extra one after all :(
I sure hope my son likes, and collects them with me. At 3 he is showing great interest in the displayed Jagdpanther:eek: , I just tell him we can go play with daddy's Airfix soldiers. It's great that there is a place where we all can get and exchange information.

In addition to the forum, there are also three events every year in North America where you can meet up with hard core collectors, the dealers, and company executives like Andy Neilson: The Chicago Show in September, the West Coaster in the California in the first weekend of March, and the New York Symposium the second weekend in March.

I am one of the three collectors (the other two being Hans Hedrich and Larry Lo) who host the New York Symposium, which is unique because rather than a toy soldier show dedicated to selling, the Symposium is an opportunity for the company execs, the dealers and the collectors to sit down at two dinners and a lunch/cocktail hour over a couple of days and communicate. Additionally, Andy always gives a talk, holds an question and answer session, and I display my collection (I have been collecting K&C since 1993, and have about 95% of the soldiers, 99% of the vehicles and 50% of the aircraft K&C has produced since 1984, as well as 10 dioramas custom made by K&C). If you want some more info about the Symposium send me a private message.



Like you, I am a relatively new collector and rest assured that your collection will grow soon. I started out collecting a few Britains but jumped to K & C when I saw them at a local dealer. Ebay has been helpful but unfortunately now it's very expensive so I would take care with that. Another member (Njja) assiduously follow ebay World War II retired prices so if we can help there, please do not hesitate to let us know as we keep lists of all prices paid. If you look through dealers' web sites and call them, you may still be able to find some retired pieces at reasonable rates.

If you're going to go to any show, I would recommend the Chicago Show, not because you'll find great deals necessarily, but because it's good to get together with other collectors. However, I would recommend going to local shows if you can, just to see what there is. Unfortunately, there are very few good deals to be had anymore. But these are still worthwhile experiences.

I'm sure you have dealers picked out but the host of this forum, Shannon Reuss, is a great person to deal with and I don't only say that because I am the moderator here.

I think I am fairly typical of many new collectors who have only collected King and Country for less than a couple of years, so if there is any way I can help, please do not hesitate to ask.
I'm into artillery, so the 10.5cc Howitzer looks very cool. The Grief is great too and not just because of its obvious collectible value. Rummel hanging out of the Grief and the radio man in the vehicle make the sense look very authentic.

All of these pieces will look very nicely with my KC AK series in my ever expanding North Africa diorama. Good going Andy.



Okay, okay, okay so I needed to use some SS Flak 88 guys for my scenes, LOL ....Yes, I have it bad, I love dioramas. Thanks Mark for the weathering of the Flak 88, Pak 40 and the 8-Ton Mover.


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