New AZW unit arrives!!! (1 Viewer)


2nd Lieutenant
Jan 8, 2007
Brian knows(so be silent;)) who this unit is. A detachment is on the road
out from Isandlwana towards the Heights, checking the security for the next advance of the Central Column towards Ulundi. The OIC is getting briefed by his ADC on the difference between the Intelligence Department's issued map, and reality. Anyone take a gander at who this group of colonials is?:cool:


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Brian knows(so be silent;)) who this unit is. ......................................................................................................Anyone take a gander at who this group of colonials is?:cool:


The answer must be in the cap badge in the last photograph.

The 60th Rifles.:confused:

The 60th Rifles uniform should be dark green.

Is this a custom made set?


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Keeping quiet.:D I usually cannot keep a secret, must be the flu I just got over.:D

The answer must be in the cap badge in the last photograph.

The 60th Rifles.:confused:

The 60th Rifles uniform should be dark green.

Is this a custom made set?



Yes it is a custom set. I wanted this unit since time immemorial and managed Mike Norris to make them for me.
60th Kings Royal Rifle Corps would in fact be a dark green...These guys couldn't manage so fancy a color!
Brian knows(so be silent;)) who this unit is. A detachment is on the road
out from Isandlwana towards the Heights, checking the security for the next advance of the Central Column towards Ulundi. The OIC is getting briefed by his ADC on the difference between the Intelligence Department's issued map, and reality. Anyone take a gander at who this group of colonials is?:cool:

Could this be Major Dartnell and the Natal Mounted Police?


Looks like the Buffalo Border Guard.

The only(or one of the) units not to have any Toy Soldiers depict them, until now. These fellas lost the majority of their comrades on 22 Jan, 1879.
Didn't realize you were playing with your newly received LL figures and taking a page from Len Taylor play book and Mike Norris the gentelman he is filled your request for the Buffalo Boarder Guards and what a nice addition to your LL collection my Aide De Camp. Is there anything else you may have received from across the pond?......The Lt
Didn't realize you were playing with your newly received LL figures and taking a page from Len Taylor play book and Mike Norris the gentelman he is filled your request for the Buffalo Boarder Guards and what a nice addition to your LL collection my Aide De Camp. Is there anything else you may have received from across the pond?......The Lt

Thanks, My Lord on the comments...I love this little band of troopers, and have waited a long time for them. I also got a dead Carbineer and a dead Zulu in a Carbineer jacket.
Great figures there.
I enjoy the fact that they are unique.
Mike Norris is a great guy.

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