New Bulge Germans (1 Viewer)


Brigadier General
Jun 10, 2005
Saw them for the first time today and they look great in the winter uniforms. Bought Sepp Dietrich. Given the current pace of production is there any danger that K&C will run out of marketable WWII items to produce in the near future? I know there are a number of good things in the works and there are still a wealth of possibilities but it does seem like a concern in next few years. For example, most of the major German tanks seem to have been produced.
There are about a hundred of other tanks + variants + paint schemes. Not to mention the halftracks and soft skin vehicles. So its almost endless.
In addition, K&C can always resculpt a previously done tank. For example, there have been several versions of the Tiger tank. I bet we all will run out of money before Andy will run out of ideas.
Hi Guys,

Re Combat's concern that in a few years K&C will run out of new ideas for WW2 Germans…Are you kidding?

One of the great joys in producing all aspects of WW2 is the infinite variety of weapons, uniforms and equipment used by the participants.

I could live several lifetimes and never exhaust the possibilities and variations of this epic struggle.

Best wishes, see some of you in Chicago!

What about Napoleonics is there enough of a variety of this subject to last a few more years? I know WW2 really is endless.

Wellington :rolleyes:
I think so. Just look at all the regiments fighting under French and English command alone! So that doesn't include the Russians, Austrians, Saxons, Dutch,...

So you can go on for a while :D
Andy - keep them coming by all means. I am not convinced that the WWII variations are endless but would be glad to be wrong on that point. One long term possibility is that more specialized and limited editions are made available.
I agree with Andy that the opportunities for WW2 stuff are still open. The Nazis were uniform freaks and they made all kinds of uniforms for their military, their political, and even their police and children. The military uniforms had to change with the climate, with battle experience, and with shortages of some materials. That's just the Germans - then add in their various allies and there are a lot of subjects.

I realize that "German sells', but there are still a large amount of Allied subjects to be done, too.

Besides, experience has shown us that Andy and his creative team have good, fertile, imaginations. I think we can look forward to all kinds of products in the years to come. My worry is not that Andy will run out of subjects, but that I will run out of money (I'm getting too old to sell a kidney, besides you can only do that a couple times).

Re: Napoleonics

Dear Wellington,

With a ‘nom de plume’ like yours I would have expected you to answer your own question, ‘Are there enough Napoleonic variety to last a few more years?’

British, French, Austrian, Prussian, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Swedish, Bavarian, Wurtemburgers, Westphalians, Saxons, Italians, Polish, Dutch, Belgians – How about that for starters! I know I’ve missed out a few …

Believe me the Wars of the Napoleonic Era provide toy soldier makers with an absolute treasure trove of inspiration and ideas to easily last as long as WW2.

I knew the answer to my question I was just trying to inspire a little conversation about napoleonics and maybe gain a little insight into K and C future plans...... ;) For the most part talk on this forum is dealing with WW2 and for good reason its still fresh in most peoples minds...for us napoleonic collectors we sometimes feel left out.

As Wellington would say keep a stiff upper lip..or at least I think he would say that.

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I too am wondering what new Napoleonics are going to be offered. I have found that I can have interests in more than one era. I really enjoy the WWII series but have found that the Napoleonics are just so cool that I can not help but collect them. The Battle of the Bulge figures are getting better and better.

Part of the collecting process, for me, is the anticipation of what will be offered in the future.

By-the-by, I have been using eBay to purchase Del Prado figures and I have noticed that several of them are very similar to K&C. Both WWII and Napoleonics. If I remember it properly, Andy Neilson made the figures for Del Prado? I find that the Del Prado figures are similar to K&C but the telling is in the detail and while Del Prado are good, K&C are one or two steps up. An example is the US GI (DD21A) looking at his compass. Each are very similar, but K&C detailing and painting is better.
just got the new bobg sets im speechless. the best yet and i have alot of k and c i cant wait for tiger.these pieces incredible pat
I just received my fist wave of the new BOB German figures. All I can say is Fantastic !! I can't wait to get more.
I just got the new BOB sets also, they are very nice. I bought an extra Grille to repaint in summer camo.
I bought 2 sets of winter Germans yesterday. The "winter tank riders" and "crossing the road". I combined them with the King Tiger and arranged the riders to look like they are about to dismount the vehicle as others advance while being covered from the front and rear. It's a great little story scene.

Nicely thought out figures.
I bought 2 sets of winter Germans yesterday. The "winter tank riders" and "crossing the road". I combined them with the King Tiger and arranged the riders to look like they are about to dismount the vehicle as others advance while being covered from the front and rear. It's a great little story scene.

Nicely thought out figures. about an old thread ! Anyway glad the Bulge series has continued to improve !
Last edited: about an old thread ! Anyway glad the Bulge series has continued to improve !

Hey PA my friend!!

A thread from 2005.......?

Uhh.......OK....I will try to roll with it as the grand kids say...


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