new CTS stuff in the works... (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Apr 30, 2005
For those who haven't heard, Classic Toy Soldiers has a couple new sets in the works. They showed prototypes of a new set of WW2 GIs and a new set of ACW Confederates and have been soliciting input as to which gets released first. As anyone might guess - I went for the GIs. These look like decent poses and I can see at least a couple conversions in them.

In my opinion what is needed for WW2 or ACW is new plastic stretcher bearer sets for Germans, American, British, Union, Confederate, and you name it. Marx used to make some good stretcher parties but not much has been done in plastic since then.

Gary B.
Wonderful more sodding WW2 and ACW - are there no other periods in History ?{eek3}

Well, no one expects the Spanish Inquistion.

(actually, see HATs new AWI upcoming series for something completly different.)
Wonderful more sodding WW2 and ACW - are there no other periods in History ?{eek3}

Well we all have our interests - I am happy for WW2, not unhappy with more ACW. We could use more WW1 Western Front figures. More mounted western Cavalry wouldn't be bad. I'll definitely be buying the WW2 figures, maybe two sets if they have conversion possibilities.

Barzso just did Bushy Run and a new Fort Apache, Tssd is doing the OK Corral and just did a host of Custer figures and Alamo buildings. Conte says he is doing Dodge City/Ok Corral. Paragon is doing cavalry and Apaches. That's quite a bit of other periods in my opinion.

Wonderful more sodding WW2 and ACW - are there no other periods in History ?{eek3}
Barzso just did Bushy Run and a new Fort Apache, Tssd is doing the OK Corral and just did a host of Custer figures and Alamo buildings. Conte says he is doing Dodge City/Ok Corral. Paragon is doing cavalry and Apaches. That's quite a bit of other periods in my opinion.

Hat also has alot of 1/32 Napoleon era figures. Armies in Plastic has stuff all over the board. Then there are the Apaches and 6th Cav.
Hat also has alot of 1/32 Napoleon era figures. Armies in Plastic has stuff all over the board. Then there are the Apaches and 6th Cav.

Still covering 1830 to 1890 and Amerocentric in the main
Who? AIP and Hat? Not really. Hat also does Ancients. AIP has a lot of Britsh colonial wars. Check their latest.

Seems to me that the AIP stuff is pretty awful in terms of sculpting and I've looked at Hat and they are usually so thin and 2 dimensional that they are in a secondary 'league' compared to things like ConTe Collectables Spartans. Even the TSD product is light years ahead of AIP and Hat although some of it is still somehwat 2 dimensional
Seems to me that the AIP stuff is pretty awful in terms of sculpting and I've looked at Hat and they are usually so thin and 2 dimensional that they are in a secondary 'league' compared to things like ConTe Collectables Spartans. Even the TSD product is light years ahead of AIP and Hat although some of it is still somehwat 2 dimensional

I have to stick up for AIP figures as the sculpting is close to old Britains Ltd lead hollow cast. They are stylized old fashioned and You can actually "play" with AIP without babying the figures. The price of AIPs means that you can acquire a good sized force or chop them up for conversions with little pain in the wallet. HaT's figures also give you "playable" figures at a good price and do look like 54mm wargame figures. There are very few lame poses in a HaT box with the newer series. Contes are "nice" but they are mainly plastic versions of their metal lines which causes some problems with wobbly muskets and bayonets plus terrible parting line disfigurement in the Alamo Texans series. Conte's Mexican troops are better except for the weapons. Now I DO have about 100 or more of Conte's Texans and Mexicans plus about 200 their Civil War figures plus about 100 of the Vikings/Normans. I don't have the heart to paint plastic Contes because of the wobbly bits and parting lines. Others have done so with pretty good results from what I've seen. Not me.

I feel that plastic figures were meant to be played with and handled while my painted metal stays safe on the shelves.
Seems to me that the AIP stuff is pretty awful in terms of sculpting and I've looked at Hat and they are usually so thin and 2 dimensional that they are in a secondary 'league' compared to things like ConTe Collectables Spartans. Even the TSD product is light years ahead of AIP and Hat although some of it is still somehwat 2 dimensional

I'm not necessarily a fan of Hat 1/32 or AIP. But the point was that there are a lot of things out there besides WWII or "Amerocentric".
I'd sure like to see a nod to the grand pageant that was the Napoleon III era. The Crimea, Franco-Austrian War, Franco-Prussian War, Sepoy Mutiny, The Mexican Adventure, Austria-Prussian War, The Danish Prussian War. What's good about these eras is that British, French, Prussian, and Austrians in "toy" plastic style would fit for the 20 year period.
Another element of this is that I don't have to care if these were "good" wars like WW II. (or the US Civil War) They were just colorful and interesting. I had 19th Century European history in college and the "prof" managed to suck all the fun out of that era for me. (Try reading Henry Kissinger's book on the Revolution of 1848!) I do have to thank the prof for giving me the "BOX" to think outside of.

So come on Hat and AIP....give us some real zouaves, not the US versions. French line infantry. BIG KNAPSACKS! Real Prussians and Russians, not the repackaged WW I figures. 1850s and 1860s Brits. That's a start.
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I prefer Hat & AIP i just find there periods more interesting, 2 dimensional is ok with me!
AIP and Hat figures, properly prepared and painted/ sealed are actually very good.
Accurate too , no missing cartridge boxes cap pouches or gear worn BACKWARDS.

The new CTS figs are just a wee bit small for me though. Fine with Marx, Accurate, Imex but i dont collect those.

Heres some CTS and Hat Ancients and a few of my own castings mixed together.Oh, a few Herald repaints as Mercenaries too.All old stuf, nothing current but still cheap, available with enough troops available for a war!
Look okay by me.



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