New Diorama . (1 Viewer)


Lieutenant General
Aug 28, 2007
"Peter Shaw kindly posted these pictures to me of a diorama he is currently working on, its a 1/30 scale German Railroad somewhere in Europe during WW2.
Peters professionalism and dedication to the hobby is simply amazing and I thought it would be appropriate to show these pictures on TF so that everybody can appreciate what how he brings his collection to life."







Images courtesy of TGM.
A little small, isn't it? But it's OK for the start.

Thanks for sharing these great pictures.

Yeah, outstanding display Wayne. A lot of work has gone into that dio that's for sure. I bet you can't wait to get all your rolling stock, engine and tracks together!

Thanks for posting.

He must has some dosh mate he has repainted a Reichsbahn and used some turrets off of the Panzer IV Ausf J,have a real close look mate some work has gone into that its out-bloody-stounding.
Also is this the tower K&C wern't gong to release,i know Howard has one ??

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Thanks Neil that's amazing,love the V2 stuff mate would like to know how he made/acquired/bought some of that stuff not made by FIGARTI.
Thanks Neil that's amazing,love the V2 stuff mate would like to know how he made/acquired/bought some of that stuff not made by FIGARTI.

Made the stuff himself the answer mate :wink2:. Just go to show still a lot of stuff Figarti could make for the ranges
For 1/30 scale, what is the train scale being used. Is it "O" gauge?

Hello Everyone!
I spoke with Peter about his diorama and he asked me to mention the following points:

" Thank you for your comments I'll try to answer some of your questions.
1. The water tower was influenced by my 1/6 construction. It is scratch built by me, also the Coal Crane.

2. The Loco underneath is a Class 52 built by me using the running gear of a kit suitably enlarged.

3. The Armorored Train is made up of several 1/35 kits expanded to 1/30 with all new guns.

4. With the exception of 2 items all my rolling stock is scratch built.

5. The story is ongoing as I am continually adding to the infrastructure. There will be some more photos in 2/3 weeks time."

I hope that helps, personally I am looking forward very much to seeing what else Peter comes up with!

Best Wishes Tom
Ok Tom this does not help me at all bearing in mind I have no talent, therefore could you make these please and I will send you the money, this is the only way I will ever get an armoured train. Imagine if Peter joined this forum, he would inject a wealth of inspiration to members & manufacturers alike. Cheers, Robin.
If Thomas Gunn or like-in-kind toy soldier manufacturer teamed up with a Toy Train Manufacturer and made 1/30 or 54mm scale military theme trains and rail cars with trackage and working period locos (limited edition series); a new market and interest would be born (even if sold as kits for display).

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