new dispatches (2 Viewers)

The Komet looks really good to me,the groundstaff also offer some interesting scenes.

I noticed in the dispatches that Gunther Rall is still alive. Has KC ever done any other WWII personalities that are still living? With all the concern about Patton, did Andy have to get his permission?
Don't get me wrong, I'm getting a couple of these Me-163 's. Its the only game in town. The Camo scheme is right but its applied wrong. The two color green splinter camo scheme should not end at the wing-root on the fuselage, but continue on the top fuselage and end at the rudder. Or the mottled gray scheme should extend the entire top of the fuselage. Not the way it is now.
Don't get me wrong... The Camo scheme is right but its applied wrong. The two color green splinter camo scheme should not end at the wing-root on the fuselage, but continue on the top fuselage and end at the rudder. Or the mottled gray scheme should extend the entire top of the fuselage...

No problems with me Paul, I appreciate that kind of details. BTW, I also ordered my Komet and can't wait to have it :):):)
I noticed in the dispatches that Gunther Rall is still alive. Has KC ever done any other WWII personalities that are still living? With all the concern about Patton, did Andy have to get his permission?

I'm not certain about permission being requested but it does pose an interesting question. It would be neat to have the box or a certificate signed by General Rall with the figure on a limited basis so as not to drive the cost up for those who do not want it, of course. I have a very fine production of his memoirs which he signed and have read he is a very amiable and engaging person.

I agree with the rest of you on the quality of these dispatches. I love the new Luftwaffe and American figures and the single figure additions to the Napoleonics is fantastic as well. A very satisfying dispatch.
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I'm not certain about permission being requested but it does pose an interesting question. It would be neat to have the box or a certificate signed by General Rall with the figure on a limited basis so as not to drive the cost up for those who do not want it, of course. I have a very fine production of his memoirs which he signed and have read he is a very amiable and engaging person.

I agree with the rest of you on the quality of these dispatches. I love the new Luftwaffe and American figures and the single figure additions to the Napoleonics is fantastic as well. A very satisfying dispatch.

I have a couple of autographed photos of him and his aircraft, they are available on E-bay
Good friend and collector Bruce Whitman, a former B25 Mitchell Pilot, was kind enough to give me an autographed photo of Gunther Rall, whom he knows personally. Bruce is a great guy, and is on the board of the Medal of Honor Foundation, the Smithsonian Museum and the WWII Museum.
Can someone tell me why most aircraft K&C produces are very limited production and very expensive, where as the Komet is cheaper and more plentiful?
The wooden warbirds have to be hand carved and each one tends to be a little different as opposed to a polystone model that is made from a mold. The details on the Warbirds are a little finer (e.g., the cockpit, which is precisely painted and so forth). It's quite labor intensive and the amount of people in the Workshop in the Philippines is no more than 3 (maybe 2) so it's also time intensive. This also resorts in a higher cost. You don't want to overtax them, hence the small amounts made.

It's different for a polystone model, where you can have several workers working on a polystone plane and enjoy economies of scale.
So why doesnt Andy produce more metal model planes? I'd really love an ME262 made by KC that doesnt cost an arm and a leg.
If the Komet is succesful, he may. The two prior polystone planes didn't do very well and dealers couldn't give them away. If you surround a plane with pilots, ground crew, fuel bowsers, etc., these may be more successful and then we will see more planes. However, I think a ME 262 may be made in wood, not polystone.
Well - in 2001 and 2002 - I think K&C Planes didn't have the kinda of attention that they do today in the market. My guess this plane will sell as well as it can in this new economic climate.

I agree with Brad with support and ground crew figures - this range will take off in a big way. Especially if Andy makes other diorama airfield items - fuel trucks, control towers, ect....

I would be very interested in knowing how are the wooden High End Birds are selling now !
One of these days I will get one of the wooden war birds. That will result in me working extra over time at the zoo.
I have a feeling many of collectors are wishing they could afford the warbirds - I know I wish I could collect them. I think the rest of would be very receptive to planes because of our drooling over the warbirds - especially, as others have said, with ground crew and other accessories. The Komet was never a particular favorite of mine, but I find myself really wanting one, and I would love to see other planes.
You should look at companies, such as Motion Models..Wonderfully painted wooden aircraft can be had for $180 - $200. Granted ,there is no interior cockpit detail, but is that kind of detail, worth an extra $500....Michael
I have a couple of Motion Models planes and they're nice. However, if you want gear down, which is what K & C's are, most likely you'll need to have them custom made and that does get expensive, in the $500 to $600 range.
I have a couple of Motion Models planes and they're nice. However, if you want gear down, which is what K & C's are, most likely you'll need to have them custom made and that does get expensive, in the $500 to $600 range.

I wonder why no one has ever tried to convert a motion model and have the gear down. Many model companies offer kits for landing gear and for the really adventurous interior cockpits as well.

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