New figures series assemble and painting? (1 Viewer)


Feb 4, 2010
Hello to all "fans" FL: look what I found in
I walked on the web!!:confused::confused:
It seems that Matt provided us some surprise?
"The rumor of this information" circulating on the forums: the painters 'Masters'
will be delighted!!
And already found a lot of resemblance to this beautiful vignette
a master Russian painter called "furious Scottish."{eek3}
I recognized the references FL: 260-261 -275 NAP!
New range to assemble and paint??
Announcement coming soon?
Your opinion? good news or not?
Extended over different clientele range?
Yes,FL sculpts is so well regarded that they are going into the kit busines.They have had 40mm kits since they started,went into 1/35 scale for WWII unpainted kits for modelers,Have a beautiful 90mm figure of Saladin on horseback which you can by as a unpainted kit or painted (If you have a lot of extra cash ^&grin{eek3})and now are going into the 54/60mm range.The first is suppose to be a mounted Duke of Marlborough which Guy has supplied a picture of.I hadn't seen the Scots,great looking vignette.Looking forward to see what they bring out.

It looks to me like NAP 260, the NCO, is a totally different new figure. It's fine with me if FL sells unpainted kits, however I don't like that they may be selling figures that are not also being offered as painted figures.

Do you know if the figures are only going to be sold as a vignette or will you be able to buy them individually?

King's Man
Hello Guy,
Great ! It's a confirmation, found this info a week ago!

Best Xavier

It looks to me like NAP 260, the NCO, is a totally different new figure. It's fine with me if FL sells unpainted kits, however I don't like that they may be selling figures that are not also being offered as painted figures.

Do you know if the figures are only going to be sold as a vignette or will you be able to buy them individually?

King's Man

To me, any figures of the same scale for a series they offer will be most welcome. I hope they do offer figures that are different to expand the options for those lines but any will be appreciated. I am a non-painter so I would have to have it done for me but it is nice to have the option. As far singles versus a vignette, I am always for singles but since these are kits, I would think you could do them either way. You just need to come up with a base.
I'm pretty sure there will be kits which have never been offered as a painted figure.

The 54mm First legion's range seems to grow up .....
Future release? when?
This vignette is on exhibition in Germany (Kulmbach show in August).
Figures painted by Sergey Popovichenko.

Hi Xavier, about the lancer this is NAP0421 Dutch Lancer, only looking a bit to right and differently painted. Anyway this kit I would for sure buy and paint.
Thanks for posting photos.

The 54mm First legion's range seems to grow up .....
Future release? when?
This vignette is on exhibition in Germany (Kulmbach show in August).
Figures painted by Sergey Popovichenko.

WOW{eek3}{eek3}{eek3}{eek3}{eek3}{eek3}What a beautifully done kit, First Legion are going in directions only they can. Thanks for the info, I sure wish I could attend Kulmbach if it was only in September . regards Gebhard
WOW{eek3}{eek3}{eek3}{eek3}{eek3}{eek3}What a beautifully done kit, First Legion are going in directions only they can. Thanks for the info, I sure wish I could attend Kulmbach if it was only in September . regards Gebhard

Hello Gebs,
Kulmbach is scheduled from 9th to 11th August.
It's always good news when one of the major manufacturers decide to sell (at least some) of their figures as unpainted kits - usually as well as giving customers the option of buying them painted. We will just have to see how far into their ranges they go with this policy.

I have had some of their 40mm unpainted castings for quite a while - which are very good - but really a bit small for me. I would much prefer them to release other figures in their range as 54mm castings too. Their Agincourt figures, for example, are outstanding - and I would love the opportunity to try and paint some of these myself. Their painting is excellent, of course - but MY hobby is painting - so hope they will release these too - as unpainted kits in due course. jb
WOW{eek3}{eek3}{eek3}{eek3}{eek3}{eek3}What a beautifully done kit, First Legion are going in directions only they can. Thanks for the info, I sure wish I could attend Kulmbach if it was only in September . regards Gebhard


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