New Forum! (1 Viewer)

Thanks for the information Alex. I have not been to site for awhile. How is Matt going to run it with him being on the road doing plenty of shows. Might be interesting. Leadmen
I see you two scalawags have joined. It may kill Toy Soldier Chat, which looks moribund anyway. I'll say one thing about that forum. I much prefer that software to this. That is the software my jazz board uses and I like it a lot more.
Alexdakar said:
Hobby Bunker has launched a new toy soldier forum. :eek:


I logged on to the Hobby Bunker website and I found no mention of a forum. Can you share the URL for the forum?


Warmest personal regards,

I don't really see the point of an additional forum. Is it serving some interest not found here or on Toy Soldier Chat?
maybe they need a forum, where people could talk about forums :rolleyes:
jazzeum said:
I don't really see the point of an additional forum. Is it serving some interest not found here or on Toy Soldier Chat?

Well, Matt has a storefront, a website,makes his own line of products,his own customers worldwide and is no doubt the hardest working guy in the miniature business that I know of.Also I see some different topics available which is very very good to see at least for me..
I would say yes it is serving other purposes .Why not ?

Is there any other purpose to toy soldiers besides King and Country?For some perhaps not .For others of course.Thats what makes the world go round.
I'll support the new forum.

I've looked on that board and aside from a section on gaming, there's nothing to distinguish it from what's being discussed here.

As far as being the hardest working guy, other dealers like Shannon, George and Bill Sager work just as hard, if not harder.
I would like to see a forum that has no mention of K/C. As others have pointed out K/C talks basically takes over most of the threads. There are so many other collectors out there ,that play with so many other mfg. It would be nice if they have no mention of K/C and I would go there for other soldier talk, come here to the K/C forum and to Bill's forum for the socializing....Ban K/C talk on the new forum and I am there, unless, of course, Hobby Bunker sells K/C.....Sigh :( Michael
Matt has always treated me very well so I cant speak about what your experiance with him might have been, and not everyone has to get along.
I don't deal with people that rub me the wrong way or are difficult and that cuts both ways.

But I guess it's sour grapes and not the addition of another forum thats got your nighty in a knot.Or , if the idea of someone else having a forum on their website really does bother you
dont go there.Don't use them for anything.Simple as that.
I won't put words in your mouth but it seems like you are saying, well why do we need someone else making figures? King and Country makes the best so of what possible use is anything else?
Why would we need another forum, or a website etc.

I can see that other dealers using someone elses website, forum, whatever to promote their own interests is very tactless method.I don't care for it and will say so.
I won't be doing that when i am ready for a website in the near future.I dont want to step on anyones toes.

I have done business with all the folks you mention except for Mr. Sager.Never a problem, hassle, hard feelings about anything.Try and support them all with a few orders when I can.I knew George well before he went into business full time.I'll support them all when I can.

I wholeheartedly agree. It is difficult to post anything outside of K&C without constant comparisons to K&C. It is enourmously frustrating.

With King & Country dominating the market I think it will be impossible to have a forum without that slant.

There are also a bunch of other soldier forums out there with this one being the most popular. Peter and Shanon do a wonderfull job of maintaining this site and deserve all the credit in the world.

Frankly, another soldier forum runs the risk of being just that - another soldier forum. If you look at the other toy soldier forums, you will see the same members here as there. How is this new forum going to bring new people into the collecting world and how much new business will it secure for Hobbybunker?

I have a pet greyhound. There are a number of greyhound forums out there but one main forum which the hundreds of members of the smaller forums turning into thousands of members on the big one. It's the same thing there too - you see all the same names talking about all the same things on the smaller forums as you see on the big one.

It's nothing to do with my personal experiences with Hobby Bunker as aside from what I had previously mentioned I have had none with them. For those who are wondering what I am talking about, I edited out some comments out about Hobby Bunker not being responsive to some emails I had sent them.

I think it's a question of do we really need a new forum. This is a limited hobby and I just don't see that they're bringing something new to the table. However, as the saying goes this is a free country and people can do whatever they want. I'll probably look in from time to time but will not, in all likelihood, join.

It's not fashionable anymore but I tend to be very loyal. I've been an attorney at my company for 26 years despite my wife wanting me to move on. So I'm loyal to this forum notwithstanding I'm the moderator. Of course I do post at toy soldier chat although obviously not as much.

In my view, this is the best forum. All manufacturers are represented here and many of the leaders of these companies participate here. There's a number of fora here and frankly I don't see how you could improve it too much more. So, that's why I don't see the need but the more the merrier. Not trying to stop anybody from joining. Just don't see the necessity.

BTW, King and Country does make the best but I've got Figarti and Honour Bound too. These companies have found a niche because they're doing something different than K & C. If the Hobby Bunker forum does something different, that will be great. We'll see.

That's a very interesting point you make that is analogous to the market place. Usually the first one to market with the unique idea and the ability to sustain the initial challenges of start-ups usually becomes the dominate players with the lion’s share of the market place or our attention.

In this case Peter and Shannon had the innovative idea to start this Forum, sustained the initial challenges to keep it viable and continue to make it fresh alone side some of its charter Forum members.

Again Gideon I agree with you despite the KC bias that exist on this Forum, its still the best run, best maintained and participated for the vast majority of us. I only occasionally participate in the other Forum and unfortunately will probably participate even less with Hubby Bunkers Forum. However, best wishes to all of the forums.

What I I like best with Treefrog's Forum is that, the owners are personally engage with no qualms about our loyalties on manufacturers or dealers. It is participated by people of great talents and has a wealth of information on toy soldiers.

Carlos, Agreed. Pete and Shannon have a great forum and I find it tons o fun and am very gratefull for allowing us to share our interests . I do like it best no question.Also, When Imet them at OTSN last year they were very gracious and friendly. We likes them.
As a matter of fact, we likes just about anyone who tolerates us and our redneck waterfront unrefined ways.George, Matt, Leadmen and everyone else.
Loyalty is of utmost importance especially these days.
I think we can be loyal to our friends , treat everyone{ them that deserve it and thats all up to each of us} with respect, honor and not have to dump on someone elses parade.

I'm going to have to hire someone to build a website for me as I am a luddite and electronic gadgets drive me up the wall.I'll have a plce there for pix from others as well as a commentary.Simply because I am nutZ about the hobby, History and all the real people that actually made/make history.

Sorry to rant.Lets Have fun.

These forums (fora?) should not be seen as political parties and questions such as loyalty etc shouldn't really arise.

Having said that, I regularly have to review my list of website favourites to flush out the shipwrecks of moribund forums etc. I wouldn't hold out much hope for a third forum to survive if its essentially on the same playing field as the other two. But then again I think that Matt Murphy does sell a broader range of items than Treefrog or the International Toy Soldier Gallery. That should bring over some former Groundpounders and others. Give it a chance.
I, for the most part, am interested only in K&C, so other forums that focus on other companies' products are not of interest to me. Matt Murphy, however, is a great guy and long time dealer, and his forum, like any other, should be given a chance by interested collectors. I think making it a "loyalty" issue would be a mistake. My focus on Shannon & Pete's forum is primarly a function of my enjoyment of chatting with the rest of you guys. Since the subjects of my interest are covered in depth here, I am unlikely to spend a lot of time there. But best of luck to Matt, I hope his forum does well.
Just so I'm not misconstrued, when I'm talking about "loyalty" I'm talking about myself and no one else and I'm not trying to say that if you go to Hobby Bunker you're being mis loyal. I'm just giving you my viewpoint. It's up to each of us to do whatever each of us wants.

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