New Hope Design Napoleonic figure- what uniform? (1 Viewer)


Regarding the fifer figure. He has small turn backs on the rear of his tunic- are these meant to be yellow as well?



I have checked in the OSPREK Men At Arms #146 Napoleon's Light Infantry and on Plate H figure 3, the Boy Fifer has blue turn backs, and that's what I have used as my painting guide.

AND I have the original painting instructions from the kit which states: Tunic - Blue with yellow plastron, cuffs and wings, edged red and white lace:

But, looking at a Drummer c1809 E3 and Drum Major c1807 E1 they both have red cuffs, lapels AND turn backs.

I'll stick with the plate in the book painted by Bryan Fosten and the instructions :)

Thanks John.

I have a copy of the plate from the Osprey book but was not sure about the turn backs.

The uniform is deceptively fiddly to paint for such a simple looking figure- in particular the lacing around the yellow plastron, cuffs and epaulettes

The uniform is deceptively fiddly to paint for such a simple looking figure- in particular the lacing around the yellow plastron, cuffs and epaulettes


Try a fine brush and a steady hand :)

Paint the white line first and then dob on the red bits ... easy with a big magnifying glass, like I use :)

Another one saved! Struggled with the braiding on the cuffs and collar.

Thanks John.


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You have done a great job there ....

like I said, a fine brush and a steady hand :)

Well Done,


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