New Pacific Marines (1 Viewer)

Nov 18, 2012
Hey guys, Happy Thanksgiving week (for those of you who celebrate the occasion),

I received the new Pacific Marines over the weekend. Probably not the best picture, but here they are in action (minus the flag bearer).

Happy Thanksgiving right back at ya', Rob.

Always good to start the day with a posting from "ROB" and expecially if it a USMC shot .... ^&grin
Nice set up showing K&C new additions to the series. Mine are on the way, shortly!

The Flag Bearer is my favorite of the new lot but they all look so good.

Congrats on your new treasures!!!!

Once again the paint on these figures is only just dried. Look good Rob. Robin.
Nicely done,but as adding some'inside baseball' here...that bare-chested jarhead has casualty written all over him.Malaria,cuts which fester via indigenous flora
and poor tactical camo have medivac(no Chithooks then)in his future.However,Rambo got away with it.
Nicely done,but as adding some'inside baseball' here...that bare-chested jarhead has casualty written all over him.Malaria,cuts which fester via indigenous flora
and poor tactical camo have medivac(no Chithooks then)in his future.However,Rambo got away with it.
Maybe he could be used as a REMF "In the rear with the gear".
Maybe he could be used as a REMF "In the rear with the gear".

"In the rear with the gear" saved our butts in Saipan.4000 Japs hiddle,diddle..up the middle.Overran artillery positions ,rear area personnel
stopped what made it through.Corpsmen,Medics,SeaBees,engineers,sick,lame and lazy,Remington Raiders all put up a hell of a fight.
That figure would be a perfect fit here.

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