New Poll 2012 - First Legion Ranges (1 Viewer)

What do you collect?

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Oct 30, 2007
Hi all,

Being that we have not done a poll in the last year or so, I figured it was time to give us an updated version of the First Legion Ranges (new & old). Please answer the poll with whatever ranges you collect currently, have in your collection or plan on collecting in the near future.....Sammy :)
Hi Sammy thanks for starting this poll
I'm curious to the outcome
Thanks again
Maple Leaf
The Germanics look good ....and luv those Romans ...but would like to see Britons ..Celts and Queen Bodica.....chariots and all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Sammy thanks for starting this poll
I'm curious to the outcome
Thanks again
Maple Leaf

hi maple leaf, I am curious also, but I realize that this is just a poll for treefrog Fl collectors only and it really does"t show the big picture of Fl collectors everywhere, so anyway come on WWII, you can do it!!! ;)...Sammy
Its good to see Rome holding its own. I would like to retract my vote for WWII so Rome will hold soul possession of second ^&grin
The Germanics look good ....and luv those Romans ...but would like to see Britons ..Celts and Queen Bodica.....chariots and all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would like to see the Celts along with Zealots and Persians. There are just so many ways FL can go with this line. From enemies to time frame Republic to Empire.
I submitted by vote for the AWI, which is holding its own as well. That is great to see.

I would like to see the Celts along with Zealots and Persians. There are just so many ways FL can go with this line. From enemies to time frame Republic to Empire.

You're right, FL can go a lot of ways with the Rome series. For what it is worth, I think they should stick to the same general time period they already have and just keep alternating between releases. You know, a release of Romans to build the ranks, then a release covering a new enemy. That way, the Legion fans get their fill of legionaries and those that want variety can pick the opponent they want to display opposite the Romans.

Anyway, just a thought.

I'm surprised to see AWI beating out ACW and Crusades.Not too surprised that Seven Years War is not doing great.I think there would be more American collectors of it if it was a French & Indian War battle.Perhaps a Clive in India would perk it up.Renaissance although beautiful painted figures is also another one not too popular in the states.Conquistadors vs Aztecs/Incas would do better but at least FL is willing to do different periods so my hats off to them.
I'm surprised to see AWI beating out ACW and Crusades.Not too surprised that Seven Years War is not doing great.I think there would be more American collectors of it if it was a French & Indian War battle.Perhaps a Clive in India would perk it up.Renaissance although beautiful painted figures is also another one not too popular in the states.Conquistadors vs Aztecs/Incas would do better but at least FL is willing to do different periods so my hats off to them.

Hi Mark ,
I think the 7YW will do alot better when the figures are released , and even better when some collectors get to see them at shows . I know I have been waiting many many years for someone to do this line at a level I have a collecting interest in and I'm sure I'm not the only one . I think some guys buy figures based on times of history they love , and some are pulled in by nicely done figures from periods they don't really know about . The latter almost happened to me with FL's Samurai line thank GOD I was able to keep it together . I would also like to see FIW War done by FL I think the figures would look Great , I think any line with American Indians would look really cool . Cheers Gebhard
I submitted by vote for the AWI, which is holding its own as well. That is great to see.

You're right, FL can go a lot of ways with the Rome series. For what it is worth, I think they should stick to the same general time period they already have and just keep alternating between releases. You know, a release of Romans to build the ranks, then a release covering a new enemy. That way, the Legion fans get their fill of legionaries and those that want variety can pick the opponent they want to display opposite the Romans.

Anyway, just a thought.


I hope that this time period will see a steady release of additional Romans that can be added to the ranks but in the same token I would love to see FL take a stab at the declining years of the empire. Needless to say this line is fairly new and has a lot of potential for growth. Im sure whatever is developed will be marvelous.
Hi Mark ,
I think the 7YW will do alot better when the figures are released , and even better when some collectors get to see them at shows . I know I have been waiting many many years for someone to do this line at a level I have a collecting interest in and I'm sure I'm not the only one . I think some guys buy figures based on times of history they love , and some are pulled in by nicely done figures from periods they don't really know about . The latter almost happened to me with FL's Samurai line thank GOD I was able to keep it together . I would also like to see FIW War done by FL I think the figures would look Great , I think any line with American Indians would look really cool . Cheers Gebhard

Agreed, I think FL would excel at a FIW line. Fingers are crossed.
You might be right about the Seven Years War but I have my doubts about guys in the states except for you,Kogu,Brad Ludwig.All you guys are of German stock and are rightly proud of Frederick The Great's era.And before anyone takes offense of my previos sentance I too have German blood in me.You are definetly right about cool indians.{bravo}}
I'm surprised to see AWI beating out ACW and Crusades.Not too surprised that Seven Years War is not doing great.I think there would be more American collectors of it if it was a French & Indian War battle.Perhaps a Clive in India would perk it up.Renaissance although beautiful painted figures is also another one not too popular in the states.Conquistadors vs Aztecs/Incas would do better but at least FL is willing to do different periods so my hats off to them.

I think the low numbers for the SYW and the Renaissance is that fact that both ranges are just getting started. I really feel that once these two ranges have an 'opponent' release, sales will increase dramatically. The same situation most likely applies (or applied) to the Samurai range. However, it is interesting, as you note, that AWI is ahead of both ACW and the Crusades. That is something I didn't expect.

Hi Mark ,
I would also like to see FIW War done by FL I think the figures would look Great , I think any line with American Indians would look really cool . Cheers Gebhard

Gebhard, that is a wonderful idea. I would be up for some FIW, even if a subrange of the SYW. First Legion would really hit a homerun with some Indians!

Even thou the number of collectors interested in SYW figures may be less. These few may make up for their smaller number with larger purchases. “Money Talks”

King’s Man
I see old flagship (Naps) still sailing strong
Like last poll WW2 and AWI are following strongly
Naps and AWI are the two i collect
I must admit i got the DAK 232 and will get the BRW R75
and since the faces are a lot better considering getting some DAK
Happy collecting guys
So far Matt has been very even handed in additions to all the ranges. My ungrounded fear is that FL will have so many different ranges it will take longer for FL to come around to another release for the ranges that I collect. Since Napoleonic is my main love I really shouldn’t be afraid. I am at present awash in choices, with more new figures promised, like the Blucher figure. I should be worried about where I am going to come up with all the money to buy everything on my wish list.

King’s Man^&grin
The Germanics look good ....and luv those Romans ...but would like to see Britons ..Celts and Queen Bodica.....chariots and all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That would be incredible Rod if FL produced Celts. Something tells me it's not "if" they'll make them but "when". How I would love it if FL made a Queen Boudicca figure, especially on a chariot!!!!!!!{eek3} I would like to see her done the FL way perhaps more than any other personality figure. And how about Vercingetorix leading from the front in battle armor? Even the Romans were impressed with his battle prowess. How I would love to see FL tackle that subject.
As others have said this range could just go on and on....just think of all the enemies of Rome.... I could imagine what FL's Parthian cavalry would look like, firing arrows back at their attackers even as they retreat. It's fun just thinking about it. I'm just real excited about the whole Glory of Rome range and its future.

So far Matt has been very even handed in additions to all the ranges. My ungrounded fear is that FL will have so many different ranges it will take longer for FL to come around to another release for the ranges that I collect. Since Napoleonic is my main love I really shouldn’t be afraid. I am at present awash in choices, with more new figures promised, like the Blucher figure. I should be worried about where I am going to come up with all the money to buy everything on my wish list.

King’s Man^&grin

The good thing about it maybe taking awhile to see a favorite range reloaded w/ new figures is that it allows for time to save up for their pending arrival. I hear you about what you're essentially saying about "fighting the war(s) on multiple fronts", but being that your main focus is their flagship line, I don't think you have anything to worry about (except for maybe the defense needed for replenishment!:tongue:)

I see my WWII line made a strong comeback today!:) and with the addition of the U.S. Paras coming on board soon we will take the title of 'Flagship" by sheer numbers!!!:)...oh I'm just kid'n I like to mess with the Nap guys, we're all winners in this poll becuase we all collect First Legion^&grin..hmm.. maybe I should be in politics, also glad I put "other" in this poll as it looks like the U.S. forces from Vietnam will come a calling soon...Sammy

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